If you guys are buying the zero stop shims, save the dude some money and buy them direct.
Instructions from Tim...
"Thank you for your interest in our Zero Stop shim sets for SWFA Super Sniper scopes. We support the following scopes:
Fixed power models – the entire line. $27/set
3-15 X 42 $27/set
5-20HD $27/set (Note: SWFA says these will NOT void the warranty now. They are approved.)
Fixed power HD models $27/set
All the scopes except the 5-20 are available with MOA or milrad turrets. You MUST specify which style turret you have. If in doubt, it’s noted on top of the turret.
There is an installation video here:
Note that the video is for the original fixed power scopes, but the basic procedure is similar for all the different scopes. The actual number of shims and markings will vary from model to model.
Tibosaurus Rex did a video here:
Ordering is easy. We accept PayPal (preferred) and all types of paper money including personal checks and money orders. To order, please use your preferred method and send the appropriate amount to
timkulinstudios@aol.com or the physical address below.
Tim Kulin
2790 Wood Valley Court
Woodland Park, CO 80863
When ordering, be sure to include your shipping address. You wouldn't believe how many people forget. Please also note if your scope's turrets are in MOA or milrads. If you don't specify, we will assume mil rad."