Responsible Gun Owner Kills Mall Shooter

I read the law trumps the malls stupid policy. Also, he shot him with a pistol from 40 yards! Amazing!

A sign saying no firearms is no different than a sign saying no shoes, no service. It is not a law. Period. It is a store rule. They can ask you to leave if they notice you carrying (just as if you were barefoot), and if you refuse I suppose that could be trespassing. But is absolutely not against the law to carry in places with those signs.

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It depends on state law, when I checked Missouri about 10 years ago any sign that said no guns was law. That is how the law was written at that time..not sure what it is today. best to be aware of the laws where you live and travel.
It depends on state law, when I checked Missouri about 10 years ago any sign that said no guns was law. That is how the law was written at that time..not sure what it is today. best to be aware of the laws where you live and travel.
Those no carry signs in restaurants, bars, stores, etc.... are un-enforceable in Alabama.
It depends on state law, when I checked Missouri about 10 years ago any sign that said no guns was law. That is how the law was written at that time..not sure what it is today. best to be aware of the laws where you live and travel.

Im speaking of Indiana, the state it happened in

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No gun signage is not legally enforceable in Kansas either except if there is armed security/metal detectors at every entrance. If asked to leave you can refuse and then can be charged for trespass only and escorted out by law enforcement. A business or government building can ban open carry and refuse to allow you to enter. But is is still important to know the laws wherever you may travel too.
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In Idaho, no guns signs in private places of business have no force of law. If the business owner/representative asks you to leave and you refuse, that would expose you to trespassing charges.
All I can say is, thank God for that young man carrying ad stopping that murderous punk.

My understanding is he fired his pistol 10 times and hit the punk 8 times. Good job!
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You genuinely thought it was a good idea to risk expulsion so you could carry a gun around a university campus? 🤔
Well when you’re born with common sense (rare I know) being able to defend your life in the case of a rare horrific event makes more sense when you look at the odds of being caught with a concealed weapon. The only way the school would have ever known is if I would have had to use it to save my life and maybe the day. So yea, I genuinely thought it was a great idea!
Look at the title of this article then read it. I don't understand why they do not highlight how a response gun owner saved the day for many. It's basically brushed under the rug.

At least the police chief recognized the heroic efforts.
Hell of a shot from 40yds
You bring your family to your university courses? 🤔
I didn't bring them to class but my family did come and visit on campus and even stay in my dorm room a time or two...Also, my wife brought our infant daughter when she was completing her Maters degree and when I was in college there were a few people that had to bring their infant to class. So what's your next wise guy comment?

If you don't value your own life or those around you that you are worried about getting trespassed or kicked off a campus that is your deal.
If you really think about it, it’s a miracle that anyone at all manages to survive in the deadly university environment without packing a gun. 🤔
I read the law trumps the malls stupid policy. Also, he shot him with a pistol from 40 yards! Amazing!
If the state/county/municipal law states that if a property posts a sign at the entry stating no firearms allowed, then there are no firearms allowed. Doesn't matter if we think it's right or wrong.
If you really think about it, it’s a miracle that anyone at all manages to survive in the deadly university environment without packing a gun. 🤔
How would you feel about living off campus and going to Temple University in Killadelphia? You would be crazy not to have one. If I have my gun, nobody will know unless I have to kill someone. I could care less what sign a store has. Nobody is ever going to know. 90% of people are staring at their phone anyway.

I think the deadliest thing about universities is the garbage they are teaching our children and that we are paying them for the privilege.
If you really think about it, it’s a miracle that anyone at all manages to survive in the deadly university environment without packing a gun. 🤔
I bet there are many females who have been assaulted/raped in campuses that wish they had been armed. Lots of issues on campus that you never hear about. Which is why most have their own police force.
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