Hey guys just started up some handloads for my 300 win mag last week, took a assortment of loads to the range and none of them grouped well. While there my buddy suggested I try a factory box of 190 gr barnes vor-tx lr. With nothing to lose I shot my first group it came out under a inch followed up by another group that was half moa. These are the best groups I've ever got out of this rifle so far and I'd like to replicate this load as close as I can. The problem is I cant find any reloading data for this particular bullet, barnes doesn't have this bullet in their reloading manual either so I have no idea where to begin other than the bullet. No clue what the powder charge is or the seating depth ect. How would you guys go about trying to replicate this load or if you would at all? I'm a new reloader so all this is new to me so any input and advice is appreciated if I left out any crucial info let me know. Also would like to hear some reviews on this particular bullet to if anyone has any thanks.
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