Repairing sleeping pad seams


Jun 6, 2016
I’ve got two BA sleeping pads that are pretty old, but in good shape. I took them out to use them, but unfortunately the seam went bad on one of them. There’s about a 1/4” part of the seam that has come apart. A patch won’t work, obviously. Any ideas before I get crazy with the glue?
I would contact the manufacturer, most have a pretty good warranty program. They may repair or replace for just the cost of shipping.
IMO retire it If BA won’t replace it. I have used inflators long enough to have them fail - including an ancient issued thermarest and one that spent too much time in hot attics and cars. I have spent a few nights on coke hard ground with a bum pad.

if one of the seams goes because of age, then they are all suspect.

I tend to think of sleeping pads as a wear item. I just think they are more failure prone than most gear items like a sleeping bag. my current one is 4 years old. If it starts to show it’s age, I will retire it to my loaner stable or toss/donate it.

pro tip: I have been running a matty mcmattface on most trips for a while in place of a ground cloth. If my inflator craps out I have some cushion and insulation to keep me somewhat comfy.