Please bear with my wordiness on this discussion but I'm really curious on just how good is good enough. I began following this site as well as others in my quest for knowledge as I am almost 1 year into the reloading rabbit hole. I probably spend more time accumulating "stuff" at this point and reading, than I have loading and shooting. I have made acceptable loads for my needs in two cartridges and currently experimenting on my 6.5prc, mith 3 or 4 others in the wings. Last week while up at my farm hunting, I had time to shoot a few loads I'm working on for my PRC. I read so much about attaining uber velocities and striving for less than 1/2 moa groups and I'm all for some zippy rounds that make clover leafs too, but with the time I have available between work and family, it's hard for me to make meaningful progress on retesting loads I like and trying to eke out a little bit tighter group, or tweek seating depth, or compare bullet A with powder X, Y or Z. I have to drive an hour or better to get to range that doesn't require a membership or 3 hours to shoot on my on pasture. I can make loads to 1 moa or a little better and for me that's about all I can ask, because frankly I don't know if my eyesight could allow me to do better. It's a little frustrating when I get close to moa because now I'm not sure if it's the load or me. I am a bit anal striving for perfection and can get very OCD about stuff, but I question if I'm just asking too much of myself when I see some of the awesome groups and data I see posted on forums like this. What is your level of "good enough" before moving to a different bullet/powder combo or other cartridge in your closets? I wish I would have started reloading 20+ years ago, but here I am now and wow, this is a slow process sometimes.