Reloading the 277 Fury 6.8x51 SIG Hybrid Case

I'm interested to see what people are doing with this. I've been doing it for a couple years, had some issues with the 308, so just bought a barrel and chambered it to the 277 fury and shoot those. Varget works pretty well. Anyone with more experience, please keep it coming.
What issues did you have with 308?
I was splitting cases lengthwise at super low pressures occasionally. I'd load up fairly high pressure, for a traditional 308 case anyway, then I got a split case. I dropped down a grain and everything seemed fine, then 1 day I got another one. I dropped down again and was at the bottom end of published load data and had it happen with multiple cases. I tried researching and it seemed like it could be a clambering issues or several other things. I just ended up rebarreling to a 277 fury because it would solve 2 of the possible issues. Been good to go since.
I was splitting cases lengthwise at super low pressures occasionally. I'd load up fairly high pressure, for a traditional 308 case anyway, then I got a split case. I dropped down a grain and everything seemed fine, then 1 day I got another one. I dropped down again and was at the bottom end of published load data and had it happen with multiple cases. I tried researching and it seemed like it could be a clambering issues or several other things. I just ended up rebarreling to a 277 fury because it would solve 2 of the possible issues. Been good to go since.
What rifle did you put the new barrel on? Which barrel did you get?
What rifle did you put the new barrel on? Which barrel did you get?

I am using a Sig Cross, Straight Jacket
Any feedback from testing/shooting this 7-08? I’m planning something really similar, just with 150 ELDx and 162 eldm, curious if you’ve found a powder you like?
I know you weren't asking me, but I'd think the same thing they are using with the 7mm SAW. It's pretty much the same thing, except they use SRP brass to push beyond normal limits of brass vs specialized brass. Who knows what the actual psi for the SAW is, but it's probably right around 70k. If West Texas Ordnance started using the Sig or Alpha Munitions brass, they'd really be seeing some good stuff. The tough part is the experimental part without know the actual psi, it can obviously be very dangerous. I wish there was some published data from Hodgdon and others for the fury, it's been out 3 years now hasn't it?
Any feedback from testing/shooting this 7-08? I’m planning something really similar, just with 150 ELDx and 162 eldm, curious if you’ve found a powder you like?

Ruger American Go Wild 22” with brake removed.
Went from 43gr to 47.5gr 2000-MR in 0.5gr increments with the 150TTSX. Barnes max load is 45.2gr. Started around 2550 fps, ended around 2850. Didn’t get any noticeable pressure signs, just figured that was far enough for my comfort. One of the charges toward the top, maybe 46, had a velocity drop. The others were pretty consistent increase. All 10 stayed within about 2moa.