WTB Reloading bullets

I have 200rds of 30cal Berger 230gr Hybrid OTM Tactical bullets I would sell. I bought them for my 300 blackout but ended up going with 208gr A Max Hornady Black. PM me if interested

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I have a 500 count box of 77gr .224 Sierra Match Kings and two 100 count boxes of Hornady 50gr .224 Vmax bullets. The Vmax are unopened and the SMK box has 490+ count. Let me know if you're interested.
I have the following .224 bullets I would part with:
-50ct box of 77gr Sierra Matchkings,
-100ct box of 69gr Sierra Matchkings,
-100ct bag of 64gr Winchester Powerpoints.
Those packages are opened but unused, full count.

Also have a partially used bag of 46gr Winchester HPs with 52ct remaining.

Let me know if interested.

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