Felt inspired by some of the setups in here so I decided it was a good idea to make a dedicated bench out in the workshop. Nothing crazy, but I’m excited to get everything up and running.
Must say, lot of great (and clean) work spaces in these pages. What a luxury that must be. All I have is an over-stuffed garage with hardly enough room to walk in, much less work in. Clean? Ha!
My wife is starting to nag me about moving (Idaho beckons) so if that happens I'll look with an eye toward dedicated reloading spaces so I can upgrade to y'all level.
Reviving an old thread... New bench build, my plans were drawn up with the toolbox in mind. Spent the extra time to stain and sand and seal it so it wasn't such an eyesore in the house.
Reviving an old thread... New bench build, my plans were drawn up with the toolbox in mind. Spent the extra time to stain and sand and seal it so it wasn't such an eyesore in the house.
Mine is trash but at least it’s back in the house again after years in the garage. Used to have a nice setup in the basement of our last house but not an option here. I’m finally indoors after 17 years in the unheated garage in Michigan lol. Simple but it works great. I have a TON of shelf space behind me in this picture.
Some fantastic spots to reload in this thread. I love seeing them. I have been reloading for about 9 years. Started out with everything in the dining room table. I used my office at work for a while but the cleaner knocked over a bunch of primers and then vacuumed them up.
I just moved into this new (to me) house. It has a detached shop that is not big enough for my boat so I turned it into my office/ reloading / hangout/ meat processing room. There are some more things that I want to change / add in the future but I am thrilled to have this space.
40'x20' garage build out. Rifles, Hunting and Training... Still a little trim work and finishing touches to do, but getting close. Everything but electric was done by me alone and yes, I did have to get pretty creative at times... grin