Congratulations. You’re not done but you’re going to be a lot poorer. I have to buy 2 of everything now. Get a new front rest for me and that turns in to getting 2 new rests, one for me and one for my son.
build a rifle for me? Nope since I shoot lefty and my son righty, that just means I build 2
Congrats! Train em early and right and you'll find yourself suddenly full of excuses for new gear and to go out. My 5yo's favorite questions are "can we go camping/fishing?"
Congrats man. My daughter just got baptized today and I’m so proud. There is nothing like having a daughter. They will definitely change you and your priorities
I've got 4, and I'm not done hunting by any means, so that's not an excuse for you!
Congrats! My oldest is 8. I remember when she was born quite fondly. Time flies!