Realistic Shooting Distances

I’m good out to 300.
My longest to date is 267 ranged.
It’s 300 for me because that’s as far as I have shot my rifle and I know that I can hit and where it’s going to hit at that distance.
I’m a firm believer in that you should only shoot at an animal as far as you have shot before and no further.
In other words, if I have shot out to 300 then I can go that far but if that animal steps out at 400 no go because I don’t know how that round is going to land.
I feel that I owe it to the animal that I know and not estimate.
From a tree stand most shots are 100yds and in with a shotgun or muzzleloader, with a rifle 300yds and in, but only once did I have 300yd shot, most with a rifle have been 150yds or less.
Don’t think I have ever shot over 100 from a tree. I definitely would shoot to 200 with a rest but can’t think of a time I could see that far from a tree. I use a saddle so it’s easy to always rest off the tree. I have shot 200 from the ground while still hunting/stalking
Free hand from a tree? Man can’t get much worse than that. 100 and in for me. With some kind of rest maybe 200.

I’d like to see some 10 shot freehand group at 200 plus that some guys are saying, they must be much much better than me.
I killed two does Saturday night from a hang on, first one was free hand and 120 trotting across a prairie after she winded me. Second deer I had the gun rested in the crotch of the tree and dumped that one with a frontal at 150. I've shot them out to 200 while using the tree to rest but it is not easy. My buddy killed a really nice buck at 240 rested on a tree branch but he missed him the first shot. Id say after that 200 mark its very tough from a tree but it can be done. From a box blind I've killed them out to 200 with a muzzleloader and Id take shots out to 400 with my rifle. From our box blinds our rests are almost as solid as a lead sled.
Others have said it, but all depends on the situation. Here on public land in a climber using a 350, I don’t think I’d feel too comfortable over 150. Even that might be pushing it. Anything 100 or less is ideal. And honestly most of the set ups we have around here, it’s hard to get much further than than anyway.