Real hunting weight arrow speeds

Dec 17, 2017
N Idaho
I remember just before elk season there was a thread (which i cant find) , where folks were talking about arrow speeds with their hunting setups. Ive been using my same old bow madness (drawing 29" and shooting about 268fps or so with a 510 grain arrow), and i feel like i should upgrade (stupid), but all the fast ass bows seem to shoot in roughly the same range with that heavy an arrow. Thoughts? Numbers? Convince me one way or another if you please.
Thanks in advance.
Speeds with a 505 gr arrow, 71lbs

Hoyt RX1 Ultra 29" - 272

Hoyt RX1 Ultra with Turbo cams, 29"- 280

Mathews Triax 29" - 281

Mathews Triax 29.5" (Considering this because of steeper string angle and grip) should be 285ish.

All shot with the same arrows

The Triax surprised me. Going to shoot it more and see how I like it this spring.
Prime centergy. 28.5 draw, 72lbs, 556gr arrow at 259fps.

Last year's arrows, same bow, 490gr arrow at 274 fps
2012 Hoyt Vector 32

415 grs @ 245 fps
29” DL pulling 64 lbs

I was a bit surprised at what it chrono’d when I picked it up at the bow shop. I would prefer a faster shooting bow but don’t want to spend the money to upgrade so I’m just going to increase my FOC and arrow weight to compensate for it.

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Thanks for all the info, It's good for keeping my expectations in check. Crawling outta my skin waiting for turkey, bear, and morel season to open up.
Idle hands want to make stupid purchases apparently.
Be happy you have long arms.

My 26” dl is sending a 450g arrow around the same speed. That’s at 72lbs. And that’s a fancy new, fast bow:

I wouldn’t buy new chasing speed. Especially not with your draw. Not saying newer bows are not an upgrade, but just chasing speed won’t get you much.
Chasing speed is fun, just like messing with hand loads and rifle caliber selection. A slow (comparatively) 30-06 isn't going to kill an elk any less dead than a 300 ultra within reasonable ranges and a with a well-placed shot.

As for my archery setup - Prime Centergy, 30" draw, 72#, 500gr arrow, 274fps.
If you want to chase speed then buy a used PSE Full Throttle. Can likely pick one up pretty reasonable and it is as fast as you are going to get. It will also make you appreciate that Prime all the more.