Razor HD 3-15x42


Mar 2, 2024
Wanting some general information about this scope. Considering picking up a unit. Love it or hate it please let me know. Considering having this be a one and done type of purchase and be done buying another scope for at least a decade or so. Going to be a hunting scope but also hit the range quite a bit, I’m pairing this with a Tikka T3x -06. Any feedback is greatly appreciated
Credo or shv would be my pick.

I had a razor. Nice scope. Clear. Focus was good. I personally liked the reticle. SFP is all I’ve ever used so that was good. I just couldn’t get over the horror stories of them falling apart. It may last 100 years, or 100 shots. There’s better options out there.
I'm looking at the same scope. 3-15x42 MOA. Maven looks nice but agree FFP is not for me.
I've have 2 PST scopes (Gen I), Viper HD nocs, and I have Swaro nocs and spotter. So far the only warranty work in the past 11 years was on my Swaro spotter. I had condensation marks on ocular lens. Still waiting to get it back. I haven't personally read of a lot of scope failures on the LHT. I was strongly looking at Leupold but too many concerns about holding zero. No scope is perfect. I'm more interested if the manufacturer stands behind the product and fixes/or replaces the defective item.
I looked at one and must say the reticle and glass is very good. I just couldn't bring myself to spend a grand on a Vortex. It may last a lifetime but I would always worry.

A stand up Company and a good warranty is great and all but I like stuff that doesn't break in the first place.

I'm a recent ffp mil convert and I ask myself what took so long.
The problem with the Vortex scopes is tracking, returning to zero and maintaining zero. For $1,899, you can buy an SFP Nightforce or SFP Trijicon Credo that will have none of those problems. You could almost buy one of each for $1,899.

You will definitely find people who will report good experiences with Vortex scopes tracking, returning to zero and maintaining zero, my brother-in-law was one of them, until his next one didn't do any of the above and he missed several deer due to inaccurate dialing. I had one that worked and one that had all of the above problems. It's a general reputation, and I have yet to see a Vortex scope pass testing like the testing they are subjected to in the long range forum by Form. There will certainly be exceptions, but I'd rather spend my money on a scope that doesn't have that reputation and one that can pass objective testing like Formidilosus subjects them to. Like this one:

or this one:

Personally, I'd look elsewhere.
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Killed a couple sheep with mine, dragged through a lot of shit and spun the crap out of the turret. Still returns to zero
I have a few of them but pick them all up used and for $850 or less. Have only dialed with two of them and both work just fine for me with no issues maintaining zero. Love the reticles on them and they have some great crisp glass. Work great on some lightweight setups for me.
I’ve had two LHT 3-15s, since they came out. Both have made several trips out west and they’re on rifles I shoot a lot so they get dialed a lot. I’ve killed a lot of game with them and so far I’ve been very satisfied.
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I’ve had two LHT 3-15s, since they came out. Both have made several trips out west and they’re on rifles I shoot a lot so they get dialed a lot. I’ve killed a lot of game with them and so far I’ve been very satisfied.
Same experience here! Very happy so far. Although, I bought mine on sale for around $1,000. For what they cost at full price, I might explore other options (VX5HD?) but if you can get them on sale they’re hard to beat for the price.
I have a 3-15 LHT. I really like it and I bought I bought it before drop tests started. I have it mounted in a Tikka T3X in 6.5x55 in Sportsmatch rings. I had it on two hunts last fall. One was a an easy forest road drive to camp and then hike daily from there. The second one was to a new area where I was riding my quad to an area in the morning to hunt then ride back to camp for mid day. More quading during the mid day to scout for an afternoon spot, then ride to that new spot in the afternoon. That went on for a week with my rifle riding in a Kolpin gunboot. For those who uses a gunboot, you know it’s great protection from the element but your rifles gets rattled like crazy! Riding was a mix of typical rough potholed FSR and trails and a few 100 kms.

Went to the range with my Tikka this morning for the first time since last fall. I was curious how it would shoot after all that quading.

This is the first 10 rounds since last hunting trip.
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Wanting some general information about this scope. Considering picking up a unit. Love it or hate it please let me know. Considering having this be a one and done type of purchase and be done buying another scope for at least a decade or so. Going to be a hunting scope but also hit the range quite a bit, I’m pairing this with a Tikka T3x -06. Any feedback is greatly appreciated
Don’t know if you’ve got one yet, but I’m a fan of mine. I bought it back when they first came out and I’ve got nothing but good things to say about it. Good glass, perfect reticle for me, good illumination, and it tracks well. FWIW I shot an NRL Hunter match this weekend and the Razor LHT was definitely the most popular scope. Lots of people were shooting the 4.5-22 as well as the 3-15, but I think that many people shooting one (and doing well) in a match with that much dialing speaks to their reliability in that department.
I just picked up the similar version (3-15 x 50) used.

I was looking at it yesterday and comparing it to a Diamondback tactical that I picked up new on the cheap a while ago. I spent probably a half hour alternating between the two, looking at objects 1,300 yards to 95 yards away. I saw no discernible difference in the glass. Also on the DB Tactical, I can go from 4x to 16x and back again without having to touch the parallax adjustment. Same on an older Nikon Prostaff that I want the Vortex Razor HD LHT 3-15 to replace. On the Nikon I can go all the way up, down, or anywhere in between the 3.5x - 15x and not touch the parallax.

Unlike both of those, on the Razor, I have to change the parallax if I make a significant change in the magnification. If I stay within 3x - 8x, I don't need to touch anything. Once I get above 8x, have to adjust by what feels like a significant amount. The Razor is my first SFP, so maybe that's normal. I don't know. I emailed Vortex late yesterday, so waiting on their response.
Have to hit the range, to see how my lht 3-15 did following last season. The predecessor was the 2-10 Razer HD lh. I had 3 failures(across 2 different scopes)one of which was replaced by the lht. I'm optimistic to say the least as far as durability. But hunted here in ak last fall and looking forward to see if it held zero.
I've had a 3-15 LHT since they first came out, about 4 years now I think. I wish I got to shoot more often but I've probably shot about 3-400 rounds with it and several hunting seasons. It's been great for me, got one deer with it so far. If it was primarily a range gun I'd get something with more magnification but for hunting it is awesome.
Buy them from eBay for as low as $600-$700. Check out their auctions often. Sometimes you get lucky and a random seller posts a brand new one for dirt cheap (non auction).