Rattlesnake in my path!

I kill the ones that could pose a danger to others in the future, and only if the dogs are out ranging a ways and I could safely do so.
I need to work with my 2 dogs on avoidance. They have not been exposed to any snakes as of yet, but they are both pretty young. I had a Mountain Cur that would bay a snake. I had never seen a dog do that. I took him out for an early morning hunt during squirrel season and thought he had a squirrel treed. He was on a fenceline baying a moccasin. He was circling it and barking, making it stay coiled up til we got there. He received a little avoidance training that day.
If I get hit with a 4k vet bill I'm on the side of putting the dog down before I even get to the vet.

Some dogs aren't worth 4k for sure. But for example a 6 year old pointer, who've you spend 5 seasons on travelling all over the country and exposing to birds, that's at least a $20k investment sitting in the dog box...not a decision I'd feel good making either way. Good dogs are tough to come by.
I spotted one on Green Mountain two months ago, only because someone warned me. Curled up on the side of the path, they sure blend in well. No rattling.

A few days ago I was running near my house and there was a huge bull snake lying on the path, nearly stepped on him before I noticed. They're non-venomous but it still got my heart going because they look close enough to rattlesnakes.

I hate those things as well...
Some dogs aren't worth 4k for sure. But for example a 6 year old pointer, who've you spend 5 seasons on travelling all over the country and exposing to birds, that's at least a $20k investment sitting in the dog box...not a decision I'd feel good making either way. Good dogs are tough to come by.
This is why I don't mind scratching a check for doggie insurance every month. Then I don't have to make a decision
This one was at my local archery range last weekend. It didn't rattle until after I stopped. Then it scooted off the trail and under and oak bush.

This is why I don't mind scratching a check for doggie insurance every month. Then I don't have to make a decision

Exactly. I grew up on a cattle ranch in eastern Oregon and never had a dog get bit. But my blue heeler is like my wife and I's first kid. And yes we have a human kid. I go rattle snake hunting at night here. Which consists of driving around at night by the river and cutting snake heads off with a shovel. Even when they're PO'ed they'd rather get away from you.

Not sure why picture is so bad?

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My dogs have a nack for running through barb wire fences, anyone with dogs that spend alot of time in the outdoors I would highly recommend insurance, it only takes one good vet bill to recoup years of payments
I just got both my Vizsla's vaccinated with a rattlesnake vaccine. It is supposed to buy more time to get them to the vet. Equivalent to 2 files of anti-venom if I remember correctly. $17.00 per shot. Two the first month and once a year after that. It also supposed to help with Copperhead bites but doesn't help with a water moccasin. I figure it was worth the cost. Only a matter of time before one gets bit. One of my vizsla ran through barbed wire this year in Iowa. Not too bad(her vest helped) but I have seen dogs that get layed wide open. I am going to look into the insurance.