Rant On Ball Games/Family Shows

We use Netflix, paramount, prime, Hulu. Hulu is the worst for those nasty commercials so we actually don’t use it anymore. One I really like is Angel studios. The only time I get to watch anything is late at night and I’m not doing that. I’m in bed by 9 pm usually and up at 4:30 am with lots to do with a house of kids from teenagers to a 1st grader. I’ve never watched pro sports and maybe watch 3 minutes of the Super Bowl once every few years. 🤣
I've never been a fan of commercials, but in recent years I have come to absolutely loathe them.....especially when they are targeted ads. I hate it when using streaming based TV and a commercial will come on. I'll click off of that channel to another channel, and the same ad starts up, back to the other channel and the same ad starts up again.......over and over and over. I'll switch to 10+ different channels and if there's ads on all 10 channels, the TV goes OFF. But I'd also expect targeted ads to actually be "targeted". I really don't think the ASPCA has any clue who I am, otherwise they wouldn't be putting that same ad on every channel constantly, unless their intent really is for me to go postal.

Oh, and when I actually record something and watch it later......the same targeted ads come on, but when I fast forward.....the ads that I'm fast forwarding over aren't the same ads that actually come on if it's playing. Kinda funny when one ad starts, and then almost immediately it gets cut off with a targeted ad. Also, shows on most the channels will be mid sentence and suddenly a commercial comes on and cuts it off. Then when the show returns, it's in a different spot on the show. We have the technology to send people into space and back, but they can't get TV broadcasts to work correctly? Idiots.