Ranking States with best future of Sheep hunting?


Sep 30, 2023
I'm trying to start out in the point game early on (still in college) so I have a real shot at a Bighorn sometime in my lifetime. I was wondering how you all would rank the states by most important to apply to. NM and ID are random and since I don't have the funds if I'm drawn to actually hunt right now, I'm skipping those until I do.

In my mind, Wyoming would be the best state since it seems like at a certain number of points, you're guaranteed to draw (if this is wrong, feel free to correct me). If I could only apply to a few states right now because of the cost of points, which states would you guys recommend?

Hopefully I can start putting in in all the states within a few years, but I'm limiting myself to 3 right now so I don't go (more) broke


Sep 8, 2014
Delete this thread or be prepared to be consumed by sheep fever.

One thing for sure states will and do change the game. I agree NM and ID are good for the random draw. I'd consider a multi pronged attack that included the WSF <1 CLub, multiple state wide sheep raffle tickets, as well as picking a state that has sheep hunt for residents. Good luck!


Sep 30, 2023
Delete this thread or be prepared to be consumed by sheep fever.

One thing for sure states will and do change the game. I agree NM and ID are good for the random draw. I'd consider a multi pronged attack that included the WSF <1 CLub, multiple state wide sheep raffle tickets, as well as picking a state that has sheep hunt for residents. Good luck!
Thank you! I think I already have a good case of sheep fever. Can't stop watching sheep videos and I've been diving into the unlimited units in Montana for the hell of it. Worst comes to worst, I'll hunt there just to have the opportunity.

I hadn't considered raffles until I came across Huntin Fool's podcast where they said you have better odds in some states going for the raffles than applying for the tags! I'll also have to look into the <1 club. Do you think it's still worth entering even if I can't make it to the convention? The odds seem to drop considerably if I can't, but going there also seems pretty costly.


Sep 8, 2014
In my mind it's worth entering <1Club even if you can't make the show.

From the rules - "The first name drawn for both <1Club and <1iClub is “need not be present to win.” Not only that, but the first winner drawn gets to pick which hunt they want. The next three names drawn do need to be present to win.


Sep 30, 2023
In my mind it's worth entering <1Club even if you can't make the show.

From the rules - "The first name drawn for both <1Club and <1iClub is “need not be present to win.” Not only that, but the first winner drawn gets to pick which hunt they want. The next three names drawn do need to be present to win.
Perfect, I'll go ahead and join. I'd love to go to a convention at some point so this could also be incentive.

What states would you recommend would be best for building points? I was thinking Arizona, Wyoming, and Montana for now, but Colorado also seemed like it could be a decent option


Sep 8, 2014
Any place you can draw tag randomly or with a minimum # of years in would work . Utah, Nevada AZ - Wyoming is out for me in your situation. They only had 1 random tag last year. Colorado is reviewing there system so things may change at this point after 3 years of applying you are in the drawn so your 4th year you are in the mix.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
Co will be in a world of hurt with 0 cat and 0 wolf hunting… wild sheep are bound to get the hurt put on them… I would guess tags getting cut will be the new norm going forward


Sep 30, 2023
Any place you can draw tag randomly or with a minimum # of years in would work . Utah, Nevada AZ - Wyoming is out for me in your situation. They only had 1 random tag last year. Colorado is reviewing there system so things may change at this point after 3 years of applying you are in the drawn so your 4th year you are in the mix.
Oh I see, I thought Wyoming had a guaranteed drawing at a certain number of points. I'll stick with Utah, Nevada, and Arizona for now then

Co will be in a world of hurt with 0 cat and 0 wolf hunting… wild sheep are bound to get the hurt put on them… I would guess tags getting cut will be the new norm going forward
It's absurd. Both sides preach about listening to scientists but then ignore them as soon as data supports something other than what they want to believe. I certainly hope other states don't start going in the same direction. I had considered moving to Colorado but now I'm not sure I'll want to


Mar 16, 2016
If you are under about 40 and you want to hunt sheep, you have to put your hat in the ring everywhere you have a chance. I cant say I would look at the "well I will draw it in 40 years" tags, I would pay more attention to where you have a chance now. Not saying to disregard them but the likelihood something changes that to 60 years is high with sheep.

Any state that you could get drawn randomly and raffles tags are probably your best bet.
Mar 1, 2017
Eagle River, AK
Forget about the draws, you are young so just move! Got to British Columbia and hunt Stones, Dalls, and Bighorns! So many more opportunities if you just get past the mindset you have to live where you are......

The other option being so young you have your whole career to make plenty of $$$ to go sheep hunt when you want. If that's not in the cards refer back to option 1.

As far as drawing a sheep tag in some western draw your odds increase being a resident. So you need to move anyway might as well make the most of it and Go to Canada- BC, Yukon, NWT, even Alberta.


Sep 30, 2023
If you are under about 40 and you want to hunt sheep, you have to put your hat in the ring everywhere you have a chance. I cant say I would look at the "well I will draw it in 40 years" tags, I would pay more attention to where you have a chance now. Not saying to disregard them but the likelihood something changes that to 60 years is high with sheep.

Any state that you could get drawn randomly and raffles tags are probably your best bet.
That makes sense. Even if I was to get a tag right now, though, I couldn't afford the hunt so I'm holding off a year or two on the complete random states. That said, as soon as I have a couple thousand in the bank, I'm applying for those ASAP
Forget about the draws, you are young so just move! Got to British Columbia and hunt Stones, Dalls, and Bighorns! So many more opportunities if you just get past the mindset you have to live where you are......

The other option being so young you have your whole career to make plenty of $$$ to go sheep hunt when you want. If that's not in the cards refer back to option 1.

As far as drawing a sheep tag in some western draw your odds increase being a resident. So you need to move anyway might as well make the most of it and Go to Canada- BC, Yukon, NWT, even Alberta.
Not a bad idea. Applying to law schools as we speak so I'll probably have to bank on the second option, assuming I get in. Of course then the issue is less of "can I afford it" and more of "can I take the time off." Still not a bad problem to have of course
Mar 1, 2017
Eagle River, AK
That makes sense. Even if I was to get a tag right now, though, I couldn't afford the hunt so I'm holding off a year or two on the complete random states. That said, as soon as I have a couple thousand in the bank, I'm applying for those ASAP

Not a bad idea. Applying to law schools as we speak so I'll probably have to bank on the second option, assuming I get in. Of course then the issue is less of "can I afford it" and more of "can I take the time off." Still not a bad problem to have of course
Plenty of attorney jobs in the northern areas. Professionals in Alaska get paid more than the L48. I'm not sure about Canada and the requirements to practice Law but I bet you could. That was my goal moving to AK and so far it has worked out, more disposable income and OTC sheep hunting every year.


Sep 30, 2023
Plenty of attorney jobs in the northern areas. Professionals in Alaska get paid more than the L48. I'm not sure about Canada and the requirements to practice Law but I bet you could. That was my goal moving to AK and so far it has worked out, more disposable income and OTC sheep hunting every year.
I'd love that. Plus if I'm able to open up a practice after a decade or so of working for someone else, I'd be able to plan around the seasons
Aug 10, 2015
You would be better off starting a savings account know with an automatic withdrawal and waiting until you can afford to buy a hunt. I had the thought when I was in college and never did, it's probably one of my few regrets.

All those license and application fees to go from having odds of 0% to odds of 1-3%. You will be taking a hit for maybe $100s per year with probably no investment return.

To your Wyoming idea, a handful of applicants with maximum points draw every year. Thousands of others wait behind them, most of them will die before their name comes up.

I only apply in Colorado because I live here. The weighted points system here might as well be random.


Sep 30, 2023
You would be better off starting a savings account know with an automatic withdrawal and waiting until you can afford to buy a hunt. I had the thought when I was in college and never did, it's probably one of my few regrets.

All those license and application fees to go from having odds of 0% to odds of 1-3%. You will be taking a hit for maybe $100s per year with probably no investment return.

To your Wyoming idea, a handful of applicants with maximum points draw every year. Thousands of others wait behind them, most of them will die before their name comes up.

I only apply in Colorado because I live here. The weighted points system here might as well be random.
Damn that's too bad. And good idea about the savings. Once I get a job, I'm going to put away 15% come hell or high water. Even if it's not for hunting, compound interest can do crazy things. I've been on the other end of it and it's certainly no fun when it's against you lol


Dec 25, 2012
Reno, NV
Nevada has the most sheep in the lower 48 and I believe the most non-resident tags but don’t quote me on that. With the bonus point system in NV everyone has a chance but the odds aren’t much better than winning the lottery even if you’ve got 30 points as a non-resident.

Even as a resident my odds for the California Bighorn sheep (CABHS) I need to finish my sheep slam has odds of less than 3% and I’ve got 28 points for that species. Non-resident odds are likely under 1% for both CABHS and desert (DBHS). But you can’t draw if you don’t apply.


Aug 14, 2023
This is only my opinion, but I'm just a little older than you at 29. A few years ago I did research on sheep hunting, and what I found was bleak. There are random draws, but banking on a lottery on a tag that realistically you will never get in your lifetime seems silly. There are also some auction tags, but you would have to be filthy rich for those to make any sense. $100,000 might get one, they go for a lot more than that a lot of the time. Another scary thing is if you start applying in say 5 states, by the time you draw one of those states you will have paid a lot. Each state varies, but lets say you pay $500 per year in preference points. If you are lucky you might draw in 15 years. That's $7,500 just in points.

The other problem is will you be healthy at that point? You and I are young enough, we should be healthy in our 40s and 50s, but it isn't certain. We definitely wont be in as good a shape as we are now, or 30's. Sheep hunting is hard core stuff. Again, this is only my opinion. The only non-resident state that makes any sense anymore is Alaska. Normally it is quite expensive in the $20,000+ range, but I have heard of people filling cancelled spots with guides for half price. You can buy the tags easy, last I checked there were options for over the counter tags. If AK didn't require guides this would be a no brainer. If you happen to have family there, they count as guides.

The other option is to move to a good state. Right now I'm applying in my own state of South Dakota, however, it is quite random. It is a preference point system, but it's much more random than a normal points system, more like a bonus point system. I've definitely thought about living a few years in Alaska too. I don't see myself leaving SD permanently, but I also see no reason to live your entire life in a single state. "Living where the money is", is terrible advice. I don't know if it ever made sense, but it for sure makes no sense now. You stand a much better chance of drawing any tag as a resident, the way it should be.