Random thought

Jan 30, 2020
Who carries a 5-10 # weight in their hand when rucking to build up grip stamina for carrying bow/rifle all day.

I have found especially in steep snow covered country its better to carry your rifle and use it as a counter weight for stability.
I have done that quite a bit rucking on the treadmill but haven't done it outside. 👍
I pickup a rock sometimes when hiking for that purpose but I have never intentionally carried a weight. Not the worst idea though. But rocks are more available!

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I carry a 20oz water bottle in my hand for that exact purpose. While it only weighs a little over a pound, the diameter of the bottle (gatorade) is larger than the handle on my bow.
I've done it. I feel a little strange when I pass people on the trails but it does make a difference. I thought I was one of the few but last summer ran into another guy doing the same thing out on the trail with his dogs.

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I've done it on a treadmill, several times passing the weight from one hand to the next durring the workout, great addition to the workout
It’s a great idea for a portion of your ruck. I don’t usually carry my weapon for packing in or out long distances, but it would be a cool idea to pull a weight out of the pack for a few miles. I’ve also tried “pack out” simulations where I add quite a bit of weight for the second half of the ruck. I aim to get to around 80lbs to simulate packing out. Definitely not something to do all the time, but nothing seems to work like moving with a heavy pack.
I do a lot of farmer carry's with two 5 gallons buckets of water or kettlebells at 35-70 pounds depending on distance, helps a lot with carrying things. During some group rucks we've brought kettlebells and pass them around throughout the ruck, a little kettlebell gets real heavy on a 2 hour ruck!
I use 2# hand weights that wrap around your hand. I try to ruck with my arms bent similiar to doing a curl. It helps build that stamina to hold or carry your bow. Try that for a couple hour ruck session.
Who carries a 5-10 # weight in their hand when rucking to build up grip stamina for carrying bow/rifle all day.

I have found especially in steep snow covered country its better to carry your rifle and use it as a counter weight for stability.
I’ve also seen carrying a sledge hammer to even further mimic a rifle. Not sure well which would get the most rise in the neighborhood, a sledge or a cleared rifle ha.