Ram down!

We got rained and weathered out up in the brooks. The 2 day hike in was awesome weather with some good rams spotted. Opening morning was nice but after that it was virtually zero vis and rain for 4 days straight. We headed home when we heard the forcast for 5 more days of the same... Hope to get back up there before season closes out.
Welcome home Ronster. Ya, opening day and the day after in the Brooks were pretty decent. We humped it in on the 9th shall we say.... over 10 miles and back in a few drainages. Checked out a couple drainages further back on the 10th, late in the day I spotted two rams quite a ways away down and across a drainage, one looked good. We got closer, determined he was worth going after, made a stalk in the driving rain up a steep, slippery slope, came down on them at 345yds, backed off, skootched down the rocky ridge a ways to level and I ranged em at 277. It was my partners turn as first shooter this year unless we figured I could get within handgun range with my SBH Hunter 45 Colt. I left the 325 Kimber home this trip. With the 2X Weaver scope I'm good out to about 120yds. I've been shooting a 9inch target at 117. But, the nature of the terrain, etc. I decided it was a no go for the 45 so my partner shot him with his 270. That was at 8pm. We were back in our drainage at the tent at 3am after a pretty brutal slog. Spent sunday drying out, tending to the sheep/cape and resting up. We fought the weather through wednesday looking for another ram but no go, spotted some subs. We were on top of a 6700ft peak wednesday afternoon watching the North Slope fog fill all the valleys below us as the clouds and rain came in from above. We pulled the plug, humped it out 13+ miles back to the rig, crashed that night at 2 am. Home thursday afternoon. I'll post up a hunt story with pics next week.

I've got a buddy, his son and a friend in DCUA now. I hear the smoke is brutal down there. I hope it pans out for them.

Here's a few pics until next week... :D






Did you ever find out?? Pic isn't big enough.

There was one ram that through the spotter looked 1/4" over FC on his left horn, and due to rubbing on his right tip was either at FC or was 1/4" less than FC. 20 minutes on the spotter and I could count lamb tips plus 5 growth rings on his shorter horn and 6 rings on his longer left horn. I finally got a full "up axis" look of the short horn and saw the complete circle shape for a half second. The up slope wind pushed the bullet just over his back. Seriously embarrassing marksmanship.

There were so many just at or just under FC rams in this area it drove me nuts. No rams were harmed during this hunt.