Rain jacket repair... adhesive suggestions?


Dec 14, 2018

FL storm tight chest pocket fell out. Suggestions on adhesive to use before I fubar it?

Tenacious tape! And then put the rest of the roll in your backpack for when your tent gets a hole, sleeping pad gets punctured, etc. it’s great stuff
Second on the Tenacious tape. The only other recommendation would be to brush a little bit of seal sealer around the tape seam to prevent it from lifting and/or adding additional support. I did this on a pair small hole on a high end rain jacket and haven't had any problems since.
You can thin seam sealer with mineral spirits and brush it on. I find it easier to manage that way. The pure stuff is pretty stringy.
Gonna go aqua sealer / seam sealer first since it came out as one piece and not in pieces...tenacious will be used to cover whole pocket after I screw it up!

Thanks for input!
I have glued materials together with super glue, aqua seal works well on neoprene but may not work well on those materials. Personally I would hand sew after glue rather than tape it. You could hand sew that on in less than an hour. Seam seal after sewing.
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I repaired a jacket earlier this fall but the tape kept on coming up, seam sealing is brilliant!
Second on the Tenacious tape. The only other recommendation would be to brush a little bit of seal sealer around the tape seam to prevent it from lifting and/or adding additional support. I did this on a pair small hole on a high end rain jacket and haven't had any problems since.

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Sounds like a first lite warranty issue to me unless you really want to fix it
If it's over a year old they won't warranty it. I've got an older ASAT Stormtight that has the same issue. Pretty much all the seam tape on it has come loose. I don't use that jacket anymore.

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Not to bash first lite but the 1st gen storm tight was a disappointment for me. Mine shredded 5-6 small holes and tears in the shoulder due to some thorns the first time I wore it. I reached out to them and they suggested tenacious tape. Some of the seam taping started to pull free so I fixed it with some shoe goo. I lost faith and bought some sitka rain gear. No issues so far. First lite stuff is now 2nd string and hasn’t been used since sitka came into the picture.

Wasn’t aware their warranty was only a year. Feels like at these price points, a year isnt enough, especially for something like that which is clear a materials failure.
Here it is

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Kudos to FL customer service for responding to my e-mail within 20minutes...to tell me there is nothing they can do. They don’t repair, only exchange if within warranty period. To be fair, other than rain gear which has seen the least use, everything else has held up well.

Appreciate the repair suggestions!