Raccoons Raccoons Raccoons

This year I only have 4 coons. More possums than coons this season. Very weird. I normally catch 10+ coons a season. I have at least 1 more on camera that is coni box aware. He must of saw his friend die.

I pulled everything. Prime fur is over.
My next project...

Caught another coon this past wkd. Up to 14 with 6 DP traps. Havent really put in a lot of effort, just a target rich environment.
Lots of them around here these days, because none of the deer hunters will let us coon hunt anymore. We use to put a hurting on them.
"Keep them Dawgs away from my deer!"
I used to let folks coon hunt, but it never fails, those with permission take others with them and the "tag alongs" come back with even more people to trespass.