Raccoons Raccoons Raccoons

I do have a bunch of subsonic 22lr. I guess I should pick up a coon squal, have you heard of any decent app calls for raccoons?
I haven't heard of any app calls but I'm sure they're out there. Looks like there are a few mouth calls as well. If you watch some videos on it, you'll definitely want to try is. I think a treestand about 5-6' off the ground and a quiet 22 would be a pretty fun setup
Foxpro callers have coon fighting and in distress sounds. They don't work every every set on a hollow tree, but when they work you'll have multiple coons pouring out of the tree. Be ready!
OP, I used to have lots of coons, price dropped to pretty much nothing so I just put night vision on my 22lr supressed and 17hmr supressed and go out plinking them. Lots of fun.
I've seen em drop quick and I've seen em take a boat load off work to die. A shot to the head will do it pretty quick every time. Heart/lung shots are a little iffy in my experience. I've seen em take five or six shots that way and keep trucking and seen em drop after one. If I have a choice I shoot em in the head. They aren't as hard to kill as a possum.
Is a legal to trap them in your state, if not you ay want to explore that.
Yes I can trap them without a trappers license if it is on my property. Which is what I have been doing for a few years.
I'm in Canada
My situation is very much like yours, i have an apple and a acorn tree in my backyard. believe me i have seen all kinds of squirrels.
My situation is very much like yours, i have an apple and a acorn tree in my backyard. believe me i have seen all kinds of squirrels.
I have two apple trees and a plum tree. The squirrels definitely do a number on the apples. When the apples are ripening I set 110 conibers and snares to keep the off the apples. I eat alot of squirrel in the fall! Haha
I have two apple trees and a plum tree. The squirrels definitely do a number on the apples. When the apples are ripening I set 110 conibers and snares to keep the off the apples. I eat alot of squirrel in the fall! Haha
Have you ever tried doing a connibear tree set for the squirrels on your apple trees?
Couple questions for you guys that have been trapping for a while/

Ive had 6 dp sets out for a week or so now. Have only gotten 1 racoon. Using a manufactured bait called berry nuggets. Seems to be a lot of sign in the area, good amount of coon tracks. I have my traps 50-100 yds apart along a spring fed creek.

1- Is there a better bait to use? Ive seen fresh tracks close to my sets and they havent touched the bait.

2-Im trapping a good public spot with a mixture of hard woods, wooded draws, and prairie grasses. Whole place is 300 acres, but only about 50 acres is wooded, another 25 or so is draws. Should I expand my trapping area? Put more traps in general? It just seems like Im missing them. My line takes me about an hour to check because I always have some dirt hole sets out.

Any input is appreciated, Im just trying to learn everything I can!

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I have been using corn with some brown sugar poured on top in my dp traps. works a lot better than dog or cat food, cheap and easy!
I ended up using puppy food with liquid smoke. Caught around 1 coon a day through the 6 traps. Had to pull the traps as I had more than I knew what to do with

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We've trapped at least 40 coons since the first of the year in dog proof traps. One sardine down the pipe and a couple of small marshmallows does the trick for us. We set t-post around our deer feeders and attach the DP to it.
I trap them every year on my 4 ac. Most years I get 15 or so... except the covid year. The grocery stores were so bare I figured I might be eating them soon. I use cheap catchup , any chicken grease. There are so many that in the spring time I see a few in the fields before it's even dark and never used to see that. I use a coon cuf trap. works real well. Sometimes I get an Opposum though. I kill the too. I do this to try to get rabbit numbers up , but never worked . I started putting out salt and the rabbits lick it and the numbers are doing better. They need salt .
I've pulled more than I care for out of my mink traps. No jumbos either. Just 14lbers. I've found several dead this year. Actually watched one die from the treestand. I presume distemper or whatever disease floats around. I checked it out afterwards and found a couple other dead ones nearby on my walk out.
Nice looking PP...