I called up Kenny, from Kennycustomarchery.com, who has been generously providing me with guidance, he gave me a few tips of advice. For this specific bow (I'm not sure if it applies to most models, I think it's mostly just a preference/performance issue) I'm supposed to use a 61" string. It's a 64" bow, he says just to subtract 3" from the length of the bow for these types of bow and either add twists or take out some twists to get the vibration right. Long story short, I got it strung up today. Keep in mind the string is still sort of long in these photos. I just strung it to check tiller and find the strong limb.
The first time I strung the bow it was obvious one limb was dominating.
I know I mentioned this before, but the limb width at the string nock is about 3/4", and it wants be anywhere from 1/2" to 5/8". So I scribed the line for the 5/8" width and did some more careful sanding and strung it up again:
You can see which limb is a little stronger, but that's not necessarily a bad thing to my knowledge, because you want the stronger limb on the bottom. Also, it's not nearly as drastic of a difference as above. I noticed in these photos one limb looks longer than the other, it must just be something to do with the way I took the photo, because they're the same length.
Tomorrow I will be starting to shape up the handle via rasp/spindle sander, and possibly even reach for the stars and cut the arrow shelf.