Questions about the kifaru squadron sleeve?


Sep 14, 2018
I'm curious if there are any other benefits to the squadron sleeve being used on the newer bags other than the ability to adjust the load lift angle? Specifically, does this sleeve allow the bag to be separated from the frame easier than before? I'd like to start carrying my stands between bag and frame. In the past I've strapped to the outside but then I have no access to my packed gear. For those that do carry stands between the bag and frame, do you use buckles rather than k clips so the switch is easy? Also, can I use the bag off the sleeve all the time and just use compression straps to contain so I don't have to switch back and forth or will there be long term wear issues on the bag? Thanks in advance for any and all answers and full disclosure, yes I have seen the new Stryker bag!
Ive switched my frame and bags to using buckles (female on the bags, male on the load lifters) rather than kclips and it works great to just leave an extra open ended female buckle on the frame tab loops and drop the squadron sleeve over top of them for an easy and fast change over between bags or for using the load shelf.
Is the Squadron sleeve the black heavy duty fabric sleeve at the top of each bag that forms the pocket the frames slide into?

If so, it does make it easier and faster to switch bags. Also I find the bag/frame interface to be more solid then on the older style (bikini frame era). It also takes the weight of the bag off of the Kclips and buckles.
I, too have replaced kclips with buckles to make bag detach super easy. For carrying a climber, though, I don’t sandwich it between the bag and frame—I use a grab-it and just mount the stand to the very outside of the bag. Super easy, super secure, and quicker to get on and off the bag.
The only real difference in the new squadron sleeve is they are more durable.
Loops sew on, vs holes in the sleeve for loops to poke thru.
The frame also still has loops.
I also believe they have gone back to buckles on the load lifters.
That's how the one I ordered in October came.
Thanks for the replies so far. I'll put a call into kifaru and get some open ended male buckles purchased, I believe I've got plenty of the open ended females. I hadn't thought of the durability of the new sleeve vs old but seems logical. I've got an older argali that I strap a climber to the outside of using the grab it and an extra compression strap. Works fine but I recently picked up a used woodsman(new sleeve) thinking I could use the sandwich method for easier access to the contents of the bag if required. I've recently seen a few reckonings with old sleeve in the classys and the resale value on them seems to have dropped off compared to the newer sleeve so I assume there are more reasons to own the newer one.
If your carrying the weight of a stand it is much better to get that weight close to your back, imo. I think there is a lot of adaption that can be done to both pack bodies and frames if you think it thru and are a little handy.