Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

Nearing 80, less recoil was the number 1 reason for selling my magnums. At the same time though, I'm not happy compromising external & terminal performance. Hence, my keeping my 30-06.

This thread has been a real eye-opener. For me anyway, No one will ever convince me to hunt Grizzly with a 223 / 243 of any kind. That said - after reading all these posts - it seems my 6.5 PRC will effectively handle all the rest of my NA hunting. The cartridge being a nice balance of recoil, external and terminal ballistics.

Hunt safe ya'll.
yup, you've chosen well and have a very high versatility option for most anything in North America from 0-1000-ish yards with plenty of insurance built in, enjoy every minute out there
And just to round out all possibilities.

Some element of ‘fear of potentially changing the game’ splashed in also, for whatever reasons, because that’s normal. Industry/Manufacturers may fear it will reduce sales if we realize we don’t need 1200 options to constantly spend money on and try, that we may see too much overlap etc? Some of it may be ego related. Thinking they know what’s best and more than most etc. Or that we’ve taken it as far as we can and won’t allow the thought of possibility that we are still actually crawling in diapers because they personally can’t see it.

Can't ignore the cheerleader effect either. Those just standing with their forum studs regardless their stance. Easy to see lots of that in threads, especially in certain forums. Like the people who watch the msm and parrot it word for word, no thinking required, someone else does it for them.

I could give a fack about the feelers or ego stuff, and or potential industry fear either as if one door closes others open. I don’t understand why a selfish reason needs to stand in way, I’m not driven by money or ego. I have no fears. I just ask questions and connect dots on what would be better for the team.
gel picture

fbi example - what is given for info, impact velocity, 16" travel, finished diameter and weight, bunch of work along that travel represented visually by damage of various types

what I want to know is...

at the 7" mark what was the velocity, bullet weight, and from there we could see the work being transferred, and again what was it at the 8" mark, 9" mark???? and every damn inch of that travel, ie; what is the rate of bullet change in relation to the rate of work transferred, and more, where is the bulk of the workload along the travel, how much is that workload

what's the work transfer curve of that option? the dyno? what work output is it doing at this particular swim speed? or that swim speed? is it all at the front end where most useful? or do I need a linear option because the game is much larger than normal and need to get deeper as a 1st priority?

and I wanna see it at all useful impact velocities whether by doing every 200 fps and filling in the blanks from the deltas between and v-lookup tables feeding the outputs from the background etc....whatever it takes

we can't see any of that yet, but the info is there, we just need to learn how to get it

I hear those Garmin zero's are the sh1t...can they measure through gel? haha

we have only begun starting to ask the right questions on this
gel picture

fbi example - what is given for info, impact velocity, 16" travel, finished diameter and weight, bunch of work along that travel represented visually by damage of various types

what I want to know is...

at the 7" mark what was the velocity, bullet weight, and from there we could see the work being transferred, and again what was it at the 8" mark, 9" mark???? and every damn inch of that travel, ie; what is the rate of bullet change in relation to the rate of work transferred, and more, where is the bulk of the workload along the travel, how much is that workload

what's the work transfer curve of that option? the dyno? what work output is it doing at this particular swim speed? or that swim speed? is it all at the front end where most useful? or do I need a linear option because the game is much larger than normal and need to get deeper as a 1st priority?

and I wanna see it at all useful impact velocities whether by doing every 200 fps and filling in the blanks from the deltas between and v-lookup tables feeding the outputs from the background etc....whatever it takes

we can't see any of that yet, but the info is there, we just need to learn how to get it

I hear those Garmin zero's are the sh1t...can they measure through gel? haha

we have only begun starting to ask the right questions on this
Sounds like you have your methodology pretty much worked out! All that's left is for you to get some gel and a Garmin and get to testing!! Perhaps a super high speed camera to measure the deceleration rate of the bullet as well so you can accurately know how fast the projectile is shedding energy. You can sit here and postulate until the cows come home... But I think it's time you get busy!! Time's a wastin!!
It’s all good. Part of the plan. It’s seating in the minds. People need time to digest.

Let it go a couple pages at a time and who knows how much further we can take it.

We’re on a roll now boys.