Pretty sure you could just jab an expanding broad head in there and kill an elk. Would be an epic stalk though. But that's not true of bullets. A bit misleading response on a gun forum. There probably is some food out there trying to take an elk with an 80 ft lb firearm- that's the sad part.
that would be an epic stalk, I've been in situation with muley where I contemplated this
so hang on, I've always looked at arrows in a similar way, how many ft/lbs you get out of your bow? 60 to 70 which is pretty close to the pull weight, but a deer by hand with a one handed thrust you still probably have a good amount of ft/lbs assuming your grip on the arrow holds applied ENERGY!
you made the necessary depth to kill, the sharp broadhead allowed the damage to be done, where a bullet has to do that and a field tip will allow that kill shot to be more likely days before it dies, speed of death
also, when guys argued 125 gr broadheads vs 100 gr, I could see that yes you typically picked up a an extra ft/lb of ke from the bow running the heavier arrow (so more efficient) but you slowed down but yet went deeper with the heavier arrow...why? because of it's higher sd

combined with faster it goes faster it slows
good luck measuring the sd of arrow though...but that is why the above actually works
this direction would be an epic derail though
we've established the minimum for cow skull is .22lr 40gr solid at 1200 fps, for elephant skull about .33 sd fmj impacting north of 2200-2300 fps...which is good to know for brain shooting cows and elephants
know some old timers rattled off plenty of elk off horseback with the old 40gr with headshots too if guys really wanna know the minimums, can do it with less work through with an arrow and even quieter too,
this isn't the discussion though