I jumped out of this thread cause it jumped the shark.
For anyone genuinely trying to sort through this stuff, Stinky Coyote is WAY too interested in some numbers to quantify things and he is unnecessarily complicating the issue…
I am not addressing him because I won’t respond to his convoluted rants. This is for anyone confused by him.
His premise is that we need a number and complex model to predict what a bullet does in tissue. He repeatedly compares terminal ballistics to ballistic flight computations and modeling. Even suggesting that a few more fields could add numbers he wants.
The problem with his approach is that he consistently fails to acknowledge what we actually know—while complaining about what we don’t have.
We have proof as plain as the pictures Form posted. But, Stinky wants numbers spit out by a terminal ballistic calculator so he can see a number attached to it.
As hunters, do we actually need numbers and a field in a ballistic calculator?
Bottom line for known highly fragmenting bullets is put them inside the vitals at least 1800 fps and it will result in lethal wounding with significant tissue damage.
There is idea that, we don’t see bullet failures is because they live—so we can’t know. That is a good question to ask, but it has been thoroughly disproven with the testing that shows incredibly consistent performance with no failures in proper gel.
If you need more than what is out there with actual FBI gel testing and confirmed in hundreds if not thousands of pictures of dead critters— you might be the kind who needs proof the moon isn’t actually cheese.
Like Form says, there is no debate about the facts anymore. Stinky is making this about numbers that he wants as proof of what we know the facts to be.
Those are two different things entirely.
Just a couple corrections to that.
1. I don't want a number to spit out of a calculator for me, but for all hunters. I can math out differences to satisfy myself no prob and was well ahead of the curve on understanding the subjectivity of terminal ballistics and what I need to use for what I do and game intended.
2. No, we don't know and don't have. We only partially know some of the story at one impact velocity point.
3. Proof of death is not required, it's death. Shades of death by subjective imagination from single point incomplete data set of one specific impact velocity to emulate and compare to all ranges against other bullets we don't have capability yet.
4. This isn't about 'needing' more, it's about 'wanting' more. So everyone can play along nicely rather than page after page, thread after thread, year after year of the same subjective shades of death discussions.
5. This isn't about modelling what a bullet does in tissue lol. It's about modelling what 'work' a bullet transfers over what distance in a standard (to represent tissue), at all fps from muzzle to where it does nothing but poke a hole at whatever distance that may be.
6. Yes we are talking about 2 different things lol.
7. And 1800 fps is good for you? with what bullet or bullet family? Why? Lol - here comes the subjective train again. 1600 fps might be what another guy wants and different bullet family. Be nice to see the expected work transfer over how many inches wouldn't it? Quick easy numbers, hardly an imagination required as you can compare to anything else we already know gives the shade of death we personally prefer from drt to 100 yard eat to the hole recoveries. Maybe you want to only hunt big stuff to 300 yards and want to compare a bunch of stuff that has usable life at triple the distances? And fine tune your selections for your goals intended and find value in bullets you hadn't considered for that particular desire/application? We tend to focus on the best bullets for drt performance and the furthest ranges here...what I'm talking about would help everyone that does everything but that. Africa, Varmints, short range, mid range, long range etc.