So this will be my first year hunting, starting with an axis deer this summer. After reading horror stories about processors, I have decided to do it myself. I was pretty convinced that I needed a $900 vacuum sealer, but after my research on the cling wrap and freezer paper method, I think I have decided to hold off on the fancy vacuum sealer so that I can try the old fashioned method first.
As it relates to larger cuts of meat, like roasts, the cling wrap and freezer paper method makes perfect sense. However, it starts to get a bit cloudy when considering other cuts of meat. As an example, how would you (or would you?) cling wrap and freezer paper the following:
- Stew meat
- Link sausages
- Breakfast sausage patties
I do have a small, crappy vacuum sealer that might do the trick for limited quantities of the above, but that would be pushing it. Appreciate everyone's input.