Question on limb lengths on ilf riser

Jun 21, 2020
I'm assuming your Satori is currently 17" riser with short limbs. Your TT limbs are 40#s on 17" riser. What are you planning on hunting and what weight you moving to? Most, but not all limbs will be #s based on a 25" riser. After many years shooting 36# Border Hex 6 longs on Bernardini and Rossing 19" risers making 64" 43-44# otf, I picked up a set of 40# Hex 6 shorts and put them on my 21" Bernardini making 62" 44-45# otf. I draw 28" and Border Hex limbs are pretty draw specific but this 62" is Magic! The limbs open up and launch with more authority than the 64". The 21" riser adds a little more weight and stability. I'm starting to believe that the longer riser / shorter limbs combination that the tournament barebow community is moving to has merit.View attachment 424305
Forgot to ever reply to this post but I just wanted say these 2 bows are hands down the sexiest modern recurves I’ve ever seen.
Jun 27, 2022
Rusty, They shoot "almost" as good as they look and make me sexy shooting them - Ha!!!
Those Italian Snakes are getting hard to find...