Question for you guys. Having hip problems


Apr 3, 2014
My family for whatever reason is plagued with Hip issues. Myself included.
Each of my siblings have hip problems in one way or the other.
Mine really shows up when walking long distances with some weight like when hunting.

With it being hunting season here now and with it turning colder its really showing up bad. Almost to the point I have cut my walking distance down by driving in further in the truck, Which helps some but it still shows up.

When my hip goes out it throws my whole back off and I can barely walk. Then its a trip to the Chiropractor to get it all back in.
He constantly tells me that swimming will help. Im not a swimming type and its not that easy to do when its cold out.

Do any of you by chance know of something exercise wise that I could do to strengthen my hip area so I can at least get rid of some of the issues.


Apr 3, 2014
There isnt an indoor pool around me for a long ways.
Even if I wanted to I couldnt

P Carter

Nov 4, 2016
I'd recommend going to a physical therapist to get some exercises.

It sounds like your hip issues are different, and perhaps worse, than what's pretty typical in an active population. Runners, for example, almost always have weak hips. A common strengthening routine is the myrtle routine, coupled with general weightlifting (squats and deadlifts). Here's the myrtle routine:

But that's designed to correct minor imbalances/overuse injuries at higher running mileage, not issues that seriously interfere with life activities. It sounds like serious professional intervention is warranted for you. If you start scaling back on activities now--and I don't know your age, but I'm assuming you're 40 or older--it's not a good thing.

The recommendation to swim is puzzling to me. Swimming would be a good way to exercise without bothering the hip, so that's a good thing, but I don't see how it would affirmatively help the hip. Maybe the hip issue isn't solvable, so exercising without bothering it is your only option. That sounds pretty close to giving up, though. I'd suggest finding a PT that will work really hard to get you some exercises that might help.

There may even be an online option if you're having trouble finding someone in person, maybe something like this:

And, this is never a popular opinion, but getting to an optimal weight will always help with hip/knee/ankle issues. I'm saying this without knowing your age, weight, exercise background, etc.

In any case, I'd say: don't give up; find someone that'll help; expect there to be excruciating exercises that must consistently be completed for a year to really improve; and put in some time now to keep that activity level up.


Apr 3, 2014
When you say "hip goes out" what, as specifically as possible, is happening?
What does the chiropractor do for it?
I cant fully say as what it means as I am by far a DR.
All I know is when I walk distances with any weight it feels like someone is stabbing me in the hip. Its most painful on one side, my left. But the right side bothers me also.
As far as what he does. He twists and pushes and then im sire for about 2 days then its fine. Until i start doing a lot of physical stuff then it gets all screwed up again.
Sometimes its worse than others.
Its really hard to explain.

I dont know if its more of a conditioning thing that would help.
I know when I was exercising more when I was planning a hunt for this year that ended up not happening due to my wife having a seizure and that hunt got cancelled I stopped working out as much.
But before that I was walking a couple miles a day around town with a weighted pack and it would bother me for about the first mile then it would kind of fade away..

I also dont know if its possibly that the way I walk could be causing it. I know the last week or so while i have been hunting here at home for deer season I have to walk about a mile to my stand setup. And if I walk uphill it bothers me more than if I walk downhill.

Not sure if any of that helps explaining.
And the pack i am carrying dosent have a ton of weight to it. Maybe 15lbs at most.
I do wear a stiff boot (Lowa Tibet) and also have custom Orthotics in them.
Thought I would possibly give a less stiff boot a try and see if that might help maybe.
I just have no clue.


Jun 28, 2020
near Albany, NY
If you have health insurance, use it now to get a proper diagnosis. You can't just skip ahead to a cure without knowing what's causing it. Maybe you have arthritis, maybe you need hip replacement. Don't get hooked on some kind of pain reliever or let the condition get worse. Good luck!