Question for the PRS series shooters

Main thing is to just go and shoot. I don’t shoot as many matches as i used to but i was in the sport a few years before PRS was even established and shot a lot all the way up until a few years ago and in that amount of time i have seen tons of new shooters show up with all types of guns and calibers and i have never see anyone leave feeling like they were anything other than welcome. Match shooting across the board are full of great people that was once new themselves and are more than willing to lend advice or gear. Get out there it’s a ball
Create a free account on Practiscore and sign up for matches. People will share their gear with you. After a match or two you will know what gear to buy and what rifle to build to be competitive. You do not need to pay for a PRS membership to shoot matches.
Short answer is take whatever you have and go shoot.

If you only have a BDL, you’d be doing great if you got 4 hits every stage.