Question for the Colorado guys


Jan 22, 2024
Southeast KS
Never been to Colorado before, but just got offered some sizeable land to hunt around Greeley CO. Can anyone familiar with that area tell me what I might be able to run across? I appreciate the help!
Lol Thanks for the reply. I know this guy has some crops on the land, but also hit oil on it. Didn't know if there were any mulies, whitetail, or even antelope in that area worth chasing. Figured it was a bit far from anything hilly to see elk.....
Just to the north is decent prairie dogs and there are pronghorn and mulies in some places. PM me the location and I could give you an idea. Prairie dog towns are easy to spot in aerial imagery (satellite view).
I spend a fair amount of time out that way. Good chance of seeing antelope. Either species of deer could be there. I usually only see deer on properties with water and trees, the S Platte runs through there and is the only source of water large enough to sustain large groupings of trees. If it has water and trees, or is adjacent to a property that does, you have a good chance of seeing deer and turkey. Doubt they'll be big deer from what I've seen.
Well, for what I was hoping for, it sounds like pretty much of a bust. lol Still might be worth getting an exact address and hitting Google Earth for a peek. About a 10 hour drive from here, so was just trying to get some info before I made a scouting trip out there. Thanks for the replies guys!
There is some nice land around Greeley so it honestly just depends on which property it is. Some of those ranches are large and span the gamut. Turkey, pronghorn, mulies, whitetails, and other small game and waterfowl. Seen some bruisers out there when I was working the patch.
Thanks for the input. Now it peaks my interest a bit more again. The guy that owns it lives here in KS, and only goes out there a couple times a year, but he's not a hunter. He's not much help on anything hunting, other than offering land. lol
Whitetail, mulies, turkey, and maybe some pronghorn depending on how far east it is. Almost everything over there is private so guys talking about small bucks are just talking about what you can see from the road or oilfield. I know a guy that guides on a ranch just east of there and they kill some bruiser bucks year after year. As others have said if there is water it might be worth checking out, if not whatever is there will just be passing through. Might have to be archery/muzzleloader only if you're within city limits.
I live in Greeley. If it happens to be on the river bottom, South Platte or Pourde it might be some great turkey or whitetail hunting or waterfowl. If it is irrigated farmland good goose hunting. Depending on what you mean "around" Greeley, if north or northeast a hour or so might have some good pronghorn hunting. If it dry flat land I would not have high expectations. There are some pockets of mule deer in the area. If you want to give me more specifics of where happy to help.
Thanks for the input. Now it peaks my interest a bit more again. The guy that owns it lives here in KS, and only goes out there a couple times a year, but he's not a hunter. He's not much help on anything hunting, other than offering land. lol
Private land owned by a non hunter sounds worth investigating!

There’s a nondescript section of Wyoming that wouldn’t even make it on my radar - a guy started chatting about hunting big whitetails there and I kind of blew him off for being full of crap. The pictures he eventually produced are very impressive.