Question for NL Pure owners - focus behavior question


Feb 3, 2018
I have a set of 8x42 NL Pure binos and I was wondering if anyone else that has a pair can comoare the behavior of their focus wheel is similar to mine. I'm going to do my best to explain. If it matters my diopter setting is about -0.75.

When I focus on something 100yards away it takes a very small amount of movement of the focus wheel to focus on something about 2500 yards away. The rotation is about 1.5 or 2 "ribs" of the wheel grip knurling to change that focus distance. From there that leave only about 1/4 of a turn of rotation clockwise before I hit the hard stop and can't turn clockwise anymore. Now from my 100 yard focus postion I have about 1 and 1/4 turn counter clockwise to the hard stop.

That 1/4 vs 1 & 1/4 worth of focus wheel turn disparity seems extreme. Is it supposed to be that different? Is anyone else's like that? Or am I being crazy. I have to say the focus sensitivity bothers me more than the total wheel movement.

Thanks in advance!
Are you asking if a large amount of turns on the focus knob with long distance viewing is necessary?
Are you asking if a large amount of turns on the focus knob with long distance viewing is necessary?
The opposite really. It takes a lot of turning to go from 100yds to close - around 10ft. However it takes less than a 1/10 of a turn to go from 100 to 2500ish yards. Curious if mine has an issue or this is native to the design.
I think that is a mathematical effect of the lenses. Depth of field will increase as you focus farther away and then you quickly hit the infinity adjustment. Any farther adjustment after far or infinity would make the image less clear. This is just my experience on optics I have.