- Joined
- Sep 23, 2022
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- Carolinas
@rifletuner I think somewhere in the infamous “.223 for bear, elk, deer” thread, there were a number of studies posted specific to bullet construction. You’d have to dig through the first 100 or so pages but I’m pretty sure it’s in there and the debate was derived from match vs copper bullets. Don’t quote me 100% on this, but you may find something close or closer to what you are looking for.
Edit to add link to .223 thread:
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Edit to add link to .223 thread:
.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.
DON'T HAVE TIME TO READ 176 PAGES? HERE'S THE CHEAT SHEET. “Bullets matter more than headstamps.” “Spent primers offer the supreme tutorial”. I’ve read it here and elsewhere online. It got my attention. I started digging and asking questions and listened. The 77gr TMK delivered by a .223...

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Copper bullets can be inhumane
The truth about copper bullets versus lead core bullet designs
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