Q&A for Maven RS.6 1-10x28mm Field Eval

Is that normal for a fixed parallax scope?

Pretty normal- from one edge to the other .5”.

Am I getting this correct? During the rtz eval it worked one time then the second time it stuck until you pulled the turret and reset. Then it worked one more time and then stuck again? That ring was coming out of the groove and causing the bind?

No, it dialed up and down approx 200 mils, then a shot, then dial up and down, 200 mils, a shot, etc. On the fourth shot it skipped a rev and locked up on the second rev- that is after dialing up 19 mils, when dialing back down it somehow skipped the rev ring and stopped at halfway back down (one full rev to high). Reset, then it did it again on round 6 (IIRC), reset it, then it worked fine.
This is a stumper for me.

Bore sight into a 5 shot group; with @Formidilosus testing, I figured there would be more and wanted to get to tracking/RTZ. Having shot this rifle a bunch today, I want terribly concerned with laying a 10 shot group.


I went through the tracking and RTZ with 10 shots each.

I got side tracked in my train of thought and took the RS6 off to test the CRS3. When I realized I forgot the few zero retention drops I had planned, I pulled it from the truck and remounted. Without knowing what the return to zero of the mountain tech rings was I figured I'd need another zero check after remounting.

The near hole for hole of the next 5 shot group after removing and remounting, after all the turret turning, is a mind trip.

This is a stumper for me.
View attachment 803678

Bore sight into a 5 shot group; with @Formidilosus testing, I figured there would be more and wanted to get to tracking/RTZ. Having shot this rifle a bunch today, I want terribly concerned with laying a 10 shot group.

View attachment 803680

I went through the tracking and RTZ with 10 shots each.
View attachment 803691

I got side tracked in my train of thought and took the RS6 off to test the CRS3. When I realized I forgot the few zero retention drops I had planned, I pulled it from the truck and remounted. Without knowing what the return to zero of the mountain tech rings was I figured I'd need another zero check after remounting.

The near hole for hole of the next 5 shot group after removing and remounting, after all the turret turning, is a mind trip.

View attachment 803706
Thanks for testing yours too! Looks good. I’m glad you didn’t have any issues with your rev indicator! If you shoot yours some more maybe can you check tracking at around 3,5 and 7 mils? See if it tracks true?

I would say those rings seem much better than the others!
Thanks for testing yours too! Looks good. I’m glad you didn’t have any issues with your rev indicator! If you shoot yours some more maybe can you check tracking at around 3,5 and 7 mils? See if it tracks true?

I would say those rings seem much better than the others!

It'll probably be a while.

The sidetrack part was my (step)dad passed away. We had moved him to at home hospice two weeks ago and my brother's and I had been switching staying there a few days at a time to care for him. Today was my off day and my mental break was shooting. I was getting a bunch of rapid updates as the end came and figured I couldn't get home in time.

So, I finished what I intended with all the scopes and will probably put my free time over the next few weeks into roosters with the puppy.
It'll probably be a while.

The sidetrack part was my (step)dad passed away. We had moved him to at home hospice two weeks ago and my brother's and I had been switching staying there a few days at a time to care for him. Today was my off day and my mental break was shooting. I was getting a bunch of rapid updates as the end came and figured I couldn't get home in time.

So, I finished what I intended with all the scopes and will probably put my free time over the next few weeks into roosters with the puppy

Im sorry for your loss!
Just wanted to echo appreciation for you testing yours and showing us here @sndmn11 … also that 5-shot re-zero group is nuts… what are the chances of that?

Reminds me of a long time ago when I once took a scope off of a new to me R700 in 308 that had a 20 moa rail on it (maybe wasn’t even sighted in) and swapped it over to a Ruger M77 270win, free hand/eye balled the scope mounting for plumb and etc, took it to the range I’ll be damned if it wasn’t perfectly sighted in as is, no adjustments required ha.
awesome pics of the reticle and review, had to see if my log in still worked after my 1 year involuntary timeout and my additional year self imposed timeout of disdain and it does, and this thread got me there

thanks to all for doing this, this scope was high on my list to watch for future options, I'm tired of reading small sh1t on the gun and now actually needing reading glasses to see it (I could still see blurry enough to get by for awhile, not so anymore) so seeing a sig kilo 6k output focused display and everything else focused I knew reticle was the answer for me at the other end and man that reticle looks good and like illumination not even required...

looks like they have done too many features and didn't they do green and red? or was that credo 1-10?, I digress

question 1 is the reticle substensions were checked for accuracy as well? is that a thing? I know I'd be tuning the sig curve to the reticle anyway so prolly not a practical issue, just curious

question 2 is this solid option for a reticle only user? (hold zero)

and lastly, just Wishlist thoughts, if that could come like an nx8 1-8 capped it looks like it wouldn't even need illumination with that reticle and save weight/left side bulk and remove the features a reticle shooter won't use, sort of two models within a model (1 for the diallers, and 1 for the reticle'ers)
The kid requested this scope for his rimfire, and I think it's like peas and carrots. Tracking seems fine still to go from a few bangs(once I found paper), adjust, and be zeroed.
Overall, how does this compare to the other 1-10's out there? I have been very pleased with my Maven binos (B5, B6, and B3). I'm in the market for a 1-8/10 (LPVO) and most signs point to the Vortex Razor or Night force. The price point of the Rs.6 is attractive. Even if it doesn't compare to the tier above it, does it hold it's weight for the price point?
Overall, how does this compare to the other 1-10's out there? I have been very pleased with my Maven binos (B5, B6, and B3). I'm in the market for a 1-8/10 (LPVO) and most signs point to the Vortex Razor or Night force. The price point of the Rs.6 is attractive. Even if it doesn't compare to the tier above it, does it hold it's weight for the price point?
