Shot the Mach 1 and 34 both much better than the RX7U. The Hoyt draws easier but the Evolve cams aren’t bad and I seem to shoot them better. Both are great bows, speed goes to PSE
PSE is lighter and faster. Hoyt is heavier but more durable.
They both shoot great. I would most likely go for the Mach 34 or the Levitate with the EC cams. The E2 cam isn't bad depending on poundage and DL. I have an Evo XF 33 with the E2 cam and at 28.5 and about 60 pounds it's pretty nice. I had the E2 on the new Omen and it went bye-bye pretty quickly.
I would love to have a Mach 34, but that price brings a little blood
I shot all the new carbon bows. I went with the Mach 34 with EC2 cams. It was far and away better than any of the others in my opinion. 2nd place would have to go to the Elite. Hoyts are nice but short brace. I like to be able to get out there accurately.
Currently have a Mach 34 and VTM 34 (aluminum RX7U basically) and have had 2 levitates. If you have any specific questions let me know but I’d go Mach 34. Levitate is a much different bow than the other two. What’s your primary purpose for the bow? DL?
I don't really like hoyts, but the rx7u is almost overbuilt in a good way, thing is durable. If they would just round off their limbs to avoid splintering...