This is the problem. The system is a dishonest game about who can be the sneakiest and most dishonest in order to make the most profit. The system needs burnt down. When this was a country people fled to for religious freedom, most were honest.
There is no reason we can't have a system based on honesty, value, and competition. We let dishonest people play in the economy and even rewarded them financially. They should have been tarred and feathered and run out of town. Now, it has gone so far it is nearly impossible to eat without playing the game at least a little. We need a culture war that demands a laissez-faire economy instead of a quasi-faire economy. Until this shift happens you will always need to play the game in order to be competitive and profitable against other companies.
Taxes, fees, utilities, and insurance are all creating a corporatacracy where the elite banks and hedge funds centralize the society's wealth to a few powerful people that control the government through financial contributions. The less financial power the average member of society has, the easier we are controlled and fleeced by the corporations.
I have very little experience in the insurance industry and even less in the business side of Healthcare. Even with that small amount of experience, I have been witness to several examples of blatantly corrupt and immoral actions motivated by financial gain. The system is highly complicated and fraught with opportunity for dishonest financial incentives. I doubt it is the hospitals and doctors getting rich in most cases. In my experience, it appears to be the insurance and pharmaceutical industries that are making out like bandits.
In recent years, natural disasters have emptied the bank accounts of insurance companies like never before. It has always been a long game of risk mitigation over time. Now we are in a brief period where they are losing. They are trying to be more and more profitable all the time. This appeases their investors and draws more. They cannot simply realize that they have been on the winning side for decades and it is their turn to lose for a little while. As long as consumers allow it, they will push the envelope to make more money. Especially when they are used to being on the winning side of the equation.