Propane boot dryer


Jan 5, 2018
Spring Green, WI
Has anyone used one of the boot dryers that run on the 1lb propane cylinders? They advertise a 60 hour run time on one cylinder and only takes a few hours to dry a pair of boots. I’d like to hear some opinions before I order one.
1. They don’t work worth a ff at altitude.

2. I almost burned the cabin down in Canada on a moose hunt one year running one.

I stopped using them after that.

I will say, when it worked, it worked great.
I have used mine at 10k in Colorado and it worked fine. Use it in Missouri turkey hunting, and it works fine. Kind of a pain to get lit, just use a long camp lighter and it works fine. I have never checked the burn time, but I know it is a while with the one-pound bottles.
I have used one in Alaska on a Caribou trip it worked great. It does have a long run time on 1 cylinder.
Thanks guys. I’m ordering one. I’m prepared to burn my tent down if it means a dry pair of boots in the morning! I’ll let you know how I like it.
Used them for a couple decades. Work well. Some have been hard to start. Some go out once in a while. Definitely run a long time on one bottle. No altitude problems up to 10k.
I bought a Propane Peet dryer, worked a couple times around sea level. Worked for about two hours in the mountains then couldn't keep it lit. Brought it home and still couldn't keep it lit, replaced the regulator and couldn't keep it lit. Went into the trash. I feel like there's better portable battery powered options now. If you're using a boot dryer you're probably at a base camp and charging a battery block or whatnot isn't an issue.
Mixed results
I have one I’ve used for years at 5k or less in Oregon and it was always flawless.
Got another and had trouble with it at 6900 feet but it was also very cold.

Emailed peet and they sent back instructions on how to take the orfice out and clean it.

Pretty sure it’s been good sense.

Over all I still feel on the fence about totally relying on them.

I also have some electric ones that slide down in the boot that I keep in my bin as they don’t take up much space.

Yes a long time on one bottom.

If you boot is full dunk in water they may not be bone dry by morning.
They had one at the lodge on my Dall hunt in the Brooks Range.

Fickle to light, but once lit it did the trick. It wasn't as fast as my Electric PEET (now almost 50 years old!), but was damn glad to have it. I had leather boots that were totally saturated and after a full night and a bit into the morning, had dry boots.

I certainly would never entertain bringing one on a backpacking trip, but if a guy was truck camping or had stock, I'd bring one. I'd probably have a few other items in that case that also ran on the green bottles.
@BRTreedogs, thanks for sharing that!! I have a Peet propane boot dryer that's pretty fickle to light. It's 25 years old but it's always been that way. At sea levelish to lower elevations it usually lights ok. It was a life saver (foot saver??) during many So. IL pouring rain deer and turkey hunts.

During an elk bow hunt last season at ~8k feet it took a few frustrating tries but it finally lit. I kept it "on" the entire 7 days so I didn't have to go through the drama of lighting it again. Fresh 1lb propane bottle lasted and it still has some juice in it. At 10k it was a struggle to light and keep lit.

When it's lit/stays lit it works great.
My propane Peet was a piece of garbage too. Hard to light and never stayed lit....right from the get-go. Tried to use it in CO as well as bird hunting in KS. Never got any dry boots out of the heck can it be plugged up when brand new?

On the flip side our electric Peet works flawlessly and has for 15 years.
Had a propane peet that worked for about an hour on a float moose hunt. We spent several hours messing with it but it ended up going in the trash. I’d call them before taking it out and they can send different orifice sizes(not sure if that’s what it’s called) depending on elevation, like jet kits for a dirtbike.

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