Project Rattle Cam


Sep 22, 2016
Anyone seen the Youtube live feed of the giant rattlesnake den in northern Colorado? Its kind of creepy, I can't imagine choosing that spot for my morning glassing once the sun comes up...
It's a live cam, so the videos are really long, but you can scroll thru it to see all the snakes. They estimate near 1,000 snakes in that den.
Second the nopety nope nope. I would really like the GPS coordinates for this so I can mark off about a 100 miles radius.

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How the heck do they find food? There probably isn’t a Rodent within a mile of that den. Right in the oak brush, good way to come face to face with a rattler
US Airforce needs to drop a JDAM on that thing immediately.

Not trying to sound tough when I say, I'm really not afraid of anything. But a mere garder snake will turn me inside out. I rather deal with griz than any kind of snake.

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I found 8 rattlers together like that one day during August, bow hunting deer in a neighboring state. Must have been a den nearby. Never thought about it then. Cool video!