Processor caution

May 16, 2020
I'm in Utah and though I've never used this particular butcher, I've used a few others with mixed results. The end product tends to be better when I do it myself, but I'm not exactly fast at it. Maybe me taking my time making sure things are clean, etc. is why it turns out better, who knows, but either way, I only have so much time so it really depends on the situation for me.
I agree. I'm in Utah and do it myself too. I'm lucky to have a wife that is all in and does a lot of the cutting. Still takes us a full day to process a large elk by the time you add in setting up and cleaning after.


Sep 26, 2018
If you have to use a butcher at the very least do the back straps yourself, easiest cut to do.
Jul 20, 2014
Kirtland, NM
Sorry, but it does matter how clean the meat is. If it’s filthy then a lot will be trimmed off and thrown away. It’s not washed as it will just spread everywhere, especially with deboned meat. The guy said he was splitting with other people so did the processor already divide it 3 ways and this was his share? If it was then that adds up to 9 baskets of meat for all three guys.

I’m officially not taking anymore wildgame for the season. Number one reason is because I have no room with all the beef and hogs we are processing. Reasons 2-100 is because I’m sick and tired of all the dirt, sticks, gravel, hair, bloodshot, gutshot, and spoiled animals. Yet, somehow it’s the processor’s fault as always. I’m not saying that there aren’t bad processor’s out there because I know there are but they won’t be in business long. I know we can get pretty testy during the season as well when we see the hundredth piece of crap come in. It’s always the same “I was way back in there, I was all alone, it was getting dark.” Etc. I’m a hunter too and have been there done that countless times. People just need to slow down, think, make a plan about what you are going to do and how to accomplish getting the meat out clean. Enough of my soap box rant though. Lol
Mar 29, 2019
I guess the question I have, what does one do with a bunch of stolen meat? If he’s stealing hundreds of pounds every year from multiple guys, (google reviews) doesn’t that seem a little off? Can’t legally sell it? Maybe he had hungry friends??

I’ve seen how many guys take care of meat. Especially guys just hauling it to a processor.... the give a shit usually seems way less to me.

Like others have said, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

This whole story doesn’t make much sense 🤣🤣