Prime Inline 1 vs Elite Envision


Dec 18, 2021
Curious to see if any of y’all tinkerers have got to compare the Prime and Elites against the Hoyt, Mathews and Bowtech 2022 flagships.
My neck of the woods don’t stock either Prime or Elite and I got a 4hr drive so trying to see thoughts and experiences to see if its worth the drive.
The main reason I’m interested in Elite is the potential tuneability.
I like the Prime In-line 1 on paper for 7” BH.
27.5 draw
Prefer a 32 ATA or longer but not over 34.

Loved the Feeling of RX7 Ultra but not the price tag. Before I drop the coin would like to see if any y’all got some opinions.
Important factors to me are comfort, quietness, stable and efficient.
I am a big elite guy. I’m looking to shoot the envision as well to replace my e32. Tagging for replies
I shot the prime inline, grip is good, draw was fine, small amount of vibe, Looking at the way the cables track towards the center of the cam I am interested to see if they have wear issues. The envision is a good looking bow, grip looks about the same as last years elite bow. I didn't shoot it though.. The Remedy on the other hand I did shoot and loved it. All that said I ended up buying a v3X.
I shot the prime inline, grip is good, draw was fine, small amount of vibe, Looking at the way the cables track towards the center of the cam I am interested to see if they have wear issues. The envision is a good looking bow, grip looks about the same as last years elite bow. I didn't shoot it though.. The Remedy on the other hand I did shoot and loved it. All that said I ended up buying a v3X.

It’s always (usually) comes down between Mathews and elite for me. The only issue I have with mathews is the last 5 inches of pull when drawing it back. It’s a big dump. With that being said I haven’t shot the v3 x yet. I did shoot the v3 last year at the shop
i shot all the flagship bows yesterday. shot over a 100 arrows. for me the best is the inline 5. i have a 30.5 inch draw at 70. any bow under 33 inch ata feels like a toy to me. my top three were prime inline 5, mathews v3x 33 and the bowtech xl. all felt great but prime was the closest feel to the RX7. the ventum pro was really top heavy. the PSE levitate had a ton of vibration.
I saw a video of Aron Snyder praising the Inline 5 as well. Unfortunately that bow might be over my specs or not conducive to my setup so I was thinking 1 or 3.
Either way I see a road trip in my future. Thanks for the feedback
i would shoot it. it felt close to the v3x 33 and the bowtech xl then the inline 3 did. it helps that the limbs are close to parallel
I shot the inline 3 and 5 and having a hard time deciding between the two. 29” draw, 60lb. Could not tell much difference between the two but they were bare bows and shooting in the shop. Where I live not sure I’ll get a chance to do much other testing so hmmm….
maybe Prime rushed it a little bit to get the new technology on the market - it looks like that they did some shortcuts to allow them to use the new cams the same way in every of the 3 bows: the longer the ATA, the shorter the brace height.... and so the Inline 5 suddenly has the brace height of a speed bow, I don't think that is the right concept for a longer ATA bow that appeals usually more target bow applications and shooters with a longer DL, but here, the longer DL guys miss out totally....max. 30.5" for all 3 bows ...that's a big blow, at least for me (DL 31.5"....)...

Eta: also, does someone know whether they have a rear / backbar stabilizer mount?....if not, come on Prime, how much do you save by omitting it?
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I just bought a inline 3 and absolutely love the bow I can’t compare it to a new elite but in my opinion I liked it better than the Hoyt. I was previously shooting a bowtech invasion and never thought id get another bow but shot the inline and I really liked it
I went with the Elite Envision. Just felt right when I shot it. Grip feels good in my hand. No surprises in the was very "even" and predictable "humps" to overcome. Not the fastest bow out there...not the slowest. Draw felt almost identical to the Elite Enkore to me.
If I was a 27 inch draw I would definitely not be looking at a 7 inch brace. If you liked the RX7 then you would like the Ventum Pro just as well. That being said you can't go wrong with any of those bows.
maybe Prime rushed it a little bit to get the new technology on the market - it looks like that they did some shortcuts to allow them to use the new cams the same way in every of the 3 bows: the longer the ATA, the shorter the brace height.... and so the Inline 5 suddenly has the brace height of a speed bow, I don't think that is the right concept for a longer ATA bow that appeals usually more target bow applications and shooters with a longer DL, but here, the longer DL guys miss out totally....max. 30.5" for all 3 bows ...that's a big blow, at least for me (DL 31.5"....)...

Eta: also, does someone know whether they have a rear / backbar stabilizer mount?....if not, come on Prime, how much do you save by omitting it?
To be honest, I was wondering about the speed thing usually see the speed go down when the bow gets taller...however for the inline series the speed went up as you went from 1 to 3 to 5.

To reply to the original question here though:

I just got a Nexus 2 a few weeks ago and absolutely love it. I managed to check out (not shoot) the inline series at my local shop last week and all of those bows seemed to have the same feel -the inline 5 felt amazing in the hand.

Since the inline series is new for this year (and I watched a few reviews where people were still preferring the draw cycle of the Nexus over the Inline) I might give it a year before I try to go to the inline series myself.

Also if you're buying new and plan to hang on to the bow for a while, the "free strings every 2 years for life" deal from prime is a pretty nice incentive.

EDIT: Sorry, I somehow missed the post where you had already decided.
Shot an elite for 10 years, untimely moved on because their customer service is terrible and the quality has gone down hill. I will not buy another product from "the outdoor group"