Precision Cut Archery Paper Recommendations

Jun 1, 2024
Started playing around with the precision cut archery site tape builder and so far it seems pretty good. I printed off a couple test strips and put them on with packing tape but getting those on clean with the spot hogg wheel is a little tricky. I want to print it on a waterproof label paper but not sure what will work well.

Has anyone else been playing around with this program? What water proof paper have you been using?
I was just looking this yesterday lol. Did you use a chronograph or did you get your fps numbers online?
So far I have just done the drop check at 20 and 80 then used the chronograph speed from my bow with a Garmin Xero. I will probably do the speed check at 20 and 80 to see how different the sight tape is.

Do you mean using IBO published speed numbers or is there a calculator that accounts for weight of accessories on string and efficiency of energy transfer based on a specific arrow? I think how well tuned your bow is also affects the speed.
They have some recommendatio
Started playing around with the precision cut archery site tape builder and so far it seems pretty good. I printed off a couple test strips and put them on with packing tape but getting those on clean with the spot hogg wheel is a little tricky. I want to print it on a waterproof label paper but not sure what will work well.

Has anyone else been playing around with this program? What water proof paper have you been using?
They have some recommendations in their FAQs. Some waterproof label stuff.
So far I have just done the drop check at 20 and 80 then used the chronograph speed from my bow with a Garmin Xero. I will probably do the speed check at 20 and 80 to see how different the sight tape is.

Do you mean using IBO published speed numbers or is there a calculator that accounts for weight of accessories on string and efficiency of energy transfer based on a specific arrow? I think how well tuned your bow is also affects the speed.
Yup there's a couple of websites that give you the calculations and for the most part they're all around the same give or take like 2-3 fps. Some websites add about 20 grains on the string and some let you choose the amount you want for added string weight. None ask you for specific arrow configurations though only for draw length, draw weight and IBO speeds.
They have some recommendatio

They have some recommendations in their FAQs. Some waterproof label stuff.
Right, this is what they recommend but curious if anyone has experience with it or a different recommendation.

Yup there's a couple of websites that give you the calculations and for the most part they're all around the same give or take like 2-3 fps. Some websites add about 20 grains on the string and some let you choose the amount you want for added string weight. None ask you for specific arrow configurations though only for draw length, draw weight and IBO speeds.
I have an old excel sheet from when I was selecting arrows a few years ago that would do the projected bow speed math, I think it was based on a gold tip calculator. Now that I have a chronograph, I should see how close they really were with arrows that tune well vs poorly out of my bow.
I have an old excel sheet from when I was selecting arrows a few years ago that would do the projected bow speed math, I think it was based on a gold tip calculator. Now that I have a chronograph, I should see how close they really were with arrows that tune well vs poorly out of my bow.
That would be interesting to see.
You should have waited on that chronograph I have one for sell never used 😂 hopefully it sells quick I don't want to use it just so I can print out a sight tape lol.
Right, this is what they recommend but curious if anyone has experience with it or a different recommendation.

Wish I could say I have. I'm still working to finalize my tape, so just using paper/packing tape.
Tracking this to improve my paper game for sight tapes!

For speed, two sight marks are best for getting an accurate tape at distance. I use a chrono often (or calculated bow speed if the weather's not right) to get a tape that's close.

Like with rifles, you need to shoot in the tape at distance if you want supreme accuracy beyond say 80 yards. A yard or half yard off on your tape can make you off 5-6" at that distance.

I'm trying Precision Cut tapes this year because 1) their formatting and customization is a step up from Archer's Advantage and 2) I'm curious to see if their atmospherics and elevation calculator will make accurate adjustments once I have my base tape confirmed to 100 yards.
Tracking this to improve my paper game for sight tapes!

For speed, two sight marks are best for getting an accurate tape at distance. I use a chrono often (or calculated bow speed if the weather's not right) to get a tape that's close.

Like with rifles, you need to shoot in the tape at distance if you want supreme accuracy beyond say 80 yards. A yard or half yard off on your tape can make you off 5-6" at that distance.

I'm trying Precision Cut tapes this year because 1) their formatting and customization is a step up from Archer's Advantage and 2) I'm curious to see if their atmospherics and elevation calculator will make accurate adjustments once I have my base tape confirmed to 100 yards.
I did read somewhere that it's better the longer the distance and it makes perfect sense. Unfortunately my local range only goes out to 80. There is a 22 shot course where they have 100 yards that you can shoot but since it's a course you can't be walking back and forth. You shoot, pick up your arrows and continue you don't turn back. I'll go during the week and hope it's empty lol
I bought the paper he recommends. It should be delivered in a couple days but I won't be able to see how it turns out as I'm out of state for work until the 18th. Might have the lady friend print a tape and test it.
Have you guys tried using a chrono from out of the bow speed and near the target speeds with precision cut? I hear a lot of people saying it’s really accurate

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Precision cut is nice but you need either 100ish yard range or an accurate chrono.

I'm actually putting in some good sight tape data this week. 30 60 and 90 yard measurements combined with density altitude
Precision cut is nice but you need either 100ish yard range or an accurate chrono.

I'm actually putting in some good sight tape data this week. 30 60 and 90 yard measurements combined with density altitude
So like a 40-60-80 won't work? I don't really have anywhere to shoot beyond that and I returned my chrono as it gave me ridiculously different readings and that was with the Garmin chrono.
So like a 40-60-80 won't work? I don't really have anywhere to shoot beyond that and I returned my chrono as it gave me ridiculously different readings and that was with the Garmin chrono.

Have you tried lab radar? I would love to get one someday, seems easy for tapes with it

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Have you tried lab radar? I would love to get one someday, seems easy for tapes with it

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I have not. I bought 2 Garmin chrono and idk how people trust those pieces of trash.

I would set up 3-4 feet away from it and have the arrow flying 5-15" above it like it says to do. I would put the target 10 yards behind the chrono like I was advised to do and like OH Reilly from Lancaster archery did on YouTube. I would get a reading. Then I moved the crono just like 6 feet forward so it could be closer to the point of impact and I got a ridiculous 25 fps drop in speed. I thought something was wrong. I moved it back to the EXACT same spot it had been before and now it was clocking like 12 fps slower than it previously did. How did that happen?

I then bought another one to give it another try. Took it to the range and put the target 20 yards away. I was getting like 272 fps. I got home and put the target 20 yards away like at the range. 258 fps shot after shot, after shot again and again. I guess my arrows are heavier at home or something lol I returned that crap
I have not. I bought 2 Garmin chrono and idk how people trust those pieces of trash.

I would set up 3-4 feet away from it and have the arrow flying 5-15" above it like it says to do. I would put the target 10 yards behind the chrono like I was advised to do and like OH Reilly from Lancaster archery did on YouTube. I would get a reading. Then I moved the crono just like 6 feet forward so it could be closer to the point of impact and I got a ridiculous 25 fps drop in speed. I thought something was wrong. I moved it back to the EXACT same spot it had been before and now it was clocking like 12 fps slower than it previously did. How did that happen?

I then bought another one to give it another try. Took it to the range and put the target 20 yards away. I was getting like 272 fps. I got home and put the target 20 yards away like at the range. 258 fps shot after shot, after shot again and again. I guess my arrows are heavier at home or something lol I returned that crap

Dang that’s a bummer!

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Have you guys tried using a chrono from out of the bow speed and near the target speeds with precision cut? I hear a lot of people saying it’s really accurate

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I do that with my garmin chrono. It does work very well and I've done it a few times now.

I have ~100 yards to work with, so I get a few readings at 0 yards and a few readings at 90 yards. Print out the sight tape on a waterproof label and done.