Prayers needed

Update, we got the biopsy results back today and everything looks good. This is good news that nothing is throwing up flags but at the same time is frustrating still not having answers as to what is wrong with Colter. We have a meeting with the Dr. Next friday to discuss other tests. Thank you all very much for your prayers. I will keep you all posted.
Good news. I will continue to pray for Colter and your family.

Also, I've had Crohn's disease for 10 years (39 yrs old now). I've seen some of the top docs in the US and have done enough research on it that I feel like I should have gone to med school. I am aware of a diet that is specifically tailored to children with inflammatory bowel diseases. The diet has hepled me tremendously. It has an introductory phase to reduce the intense inflammation and then a maintenance aspect. A doctor in the Northeast US has written a book about it. She bascially took the diet from a doctor who created the diet in the 1940s and was credited with having cured celiacs disease back when celiacs disease was more broadly defined to include Crohn's disease and other gut ailments. The name of the diet is the G.A.P.S. diet. I've been on it for a year now and it has helped me tremendously. It is far from a fad diet.

I'd be happy to discuss any and all of this with you if you'd like.

God bless.

[email protected]