Can’t be having those them overpopulated in your laundry pile…..I'd have to agree, the thousands of rounds fired over the last couple of decades. Plus, it keeps the population in check lol
What the...!? They were in the habit of giving the dang Chimp WINE? SMDH. Talk about Morons to the Nth degree!!!
My thoughts exactly on them walking through a house. I thought the in thing for middle aged women with limited social life and interaction was to hoard cats.What I'm not getting... about the lady hosting Prairie Rats... is that it was my understanding that Rodents will just urinate and defecate wherever the heck they happen to be at when the urge overtakes them.
I did see that they kept them in a cage, but looked like that was only temporary, like overnight while sleeping?
Looks like they take them out a lot to socialize with them, which is probably good.. but I'm envisioning them just pissing in their sleep all over the place, like when they're electing to sleep on top of dirty laundry. Or when they're cuddled on their laps and stuff.
Also, not for nothing, but aren't Prairie Dogs and Ground Squirrel like a major vector for fleas carrying bubonic plague?