Saw this thread and thought I would throw mine in
My workouts consist of:
Monday: Chest
3-5 Miles Step Mill 90 SPM
Bench 10x135 Warm Up, 10x225, 8x275, 6x315, 10x225, then burn out 135
Incline DB 10x80-90, 10x105, 8x115, 6x125
Decline Bench 10x135, 10x225, 10x225, 10,225
Cable Flys Low 4x10
Peck Deck 4x10
Strait Arm Skull Crushers 4x10 85-105 lbs
Tuesday: Back
Same cardio as Monday
4x10 Wide Grip Pull Ups
Reverse Grip Pull Downs 10x120 warm up 180x10 200x8 220x6
Behind Head Wide Grip Pull Downs 10x120 warm up 10x160, 8x180, 6x200 than burn out 120lb
Single Arm Seated Rows 4x10
Strait Arm Pull Downs 4x15
Strait Leg DL 10x135 warm up 10x225, 10x225, 10x225 (dread these)
Reverse Flys 4x10
Wednesday: Legs (Most Work Is Done On Machines Since I have no ACL in my left knee due to a jet ski accident when I was young)
2-3 Miles Tmill 10% incline
Leg Press 5x10
Single Leg Leg Curls 5x10
Leg Extensions 5x10
Laying Down Leg Curls 5x10
Walking Weighted Lunges 20 Per Leg 5x
Seated Calfs 5x15 TS
Standing Calf Extension 5x15 TO
Standing Calf Extension 5x15 TI
Thursday: Shoulders
Back on Step Mill 4-5 Miles
Standing DB Military Press 4x10 45 LB Warm Up
Military Press BB 10x135, 10x185, 8x225, 8x225
Barbell Raises (Smith Machine) 135x10, 155x8, 175x6
Strait arm Font Raises 4x10
Strait arm Side Raises 4x10
Misc Cable Excercises (Depending on Time)
Behind Back Shrugs 10x225, 10x315, 8x405, 8x405
Front Shrugs (Super Set In Between Behind Back Shrugs)
Friday: Arms (Varies, I do alot of Super Set. This is What I did this Morning)
Step Mill 3 Miles
Hammer Curls 10x45 warm up 8x70, 8x70, 8x70
V Bar Push Downs 4x10 (Super Set With Hammers)
Strait Bar Curls (Slow) 10x45, 10x65, 10x85, 8x105
Close Grip BP and Skull Crushers Combined 10x95, 10x105, 10,125, 8x145
He Man Curls (Cables) 5x10 EA
Reverse Grip Push Downs 4x15
Finished off with Dips 4x Failure
Sat: Start Cycle again of Full Body Push Pull
This is what my workouts consist of right now. I do Change up when I plateau and shock muscle groups. Also change up and go light weight lots of reps to shock.
My diet is consisting of:
Complex Carbs, Lean Meats, Veges, Good Fats, and Lots of Protien (Wife hates this part), Minimal Dairy.