Poacher or not…. Thoughts?


Feb 26, 2020
Mountains of CA
Pulled a trail cam last week that had been up for 1.5 years without being checked. With all the forest closures and its distance into the forest, it just wasnt possible to get to. Imagine my surprise that it had 14,961 photos and the cheap batteries were going strong lol. K… to the point.

Do you think this guy was poaching? Be judgemental. Backstory -

This is in California first off…
Miles from any trail, landmark, point of interest, lake or streams for fishing, parking lot, or campground. Its pretty deep in a remote part of a wilderness area.
Picture was captured roughly 2 weeks before the archery opener, on august 6th.
Time of day is 1pm.
To get there with that gear would mean he left early and his direction is heading back towards the only entry point possible. To access the area you have to know certain paths or its dangerous in the dark.
I have never seen another person, let alone a foot print in this area before.
All the bucks in velvet disappeared from my cameras after this event except for the smallest of forkies.

I get the feeling of something isnt right just looking at the gear, his build, the posture of how he was walking, and where I know he is cause its only a good place for one thing - hunting. Am I paranoid or what do you think?? This is the only evidence I got so I know its pretty thin. Just so odd to see.

Looks like a dude out in the woods with his M1 carbine.
Alright, just strikes me as odd. Never seen someone take a rifle for a walk outside of hunting season. Especially into a really random area. Especially in California. If Im paranoid then thats better than him being a possible poacher.
You can tell poachers from hikers based on “the posture of how he was walking”? Sounds like you missed your calling.
Im used to seeing unarmed hippie hikers. Not used to seeing armed regular hikers. The directions to and from where he is pointing are the prime hunting locations I know and theres nothing else to see or do. Its not just through the woods. Theres passes and cuts to get to this spot and its not easy or reasonable besides for hunting in my mind lol.
Possible illegal grow back there? You said it’s in CA

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High country, seasons too short and its too deep to be reasonable for that. I guess you never know…

Im relieved the vast majority think its just a guy walking his gun in the woods for fun. Im just paranoid i guess hahaha.
Im used to seeing unarmed hippie hikers. Not used to seeing armed regular hikers. The directions to and from where he is pointing are the prime hunting locations I know and theres nothing else to see or do. Its not just through the woods. Theres passes and cuts to get to this spot and its not easy or reasonable besides for hunting in my mind lo
He couldn’t pack meat or hide antlers with that pack.

To the other comment, no one would go that deep or at that elevation for a marijuana grow.
I dont mean to sound insensitive but what are you paranoid about him? Paranoid he is poaching, in that case can you really do anything? Paranoid that he is in your spot? Paranoid that this could be on hunter 411?
I'd love to see a picture of that guy on opening day with a trophy buck in that exact gear packing 100lbs of meat and antlers strapped to that bag. If he's wearing a pair of crocs to top it off, then he gets my vote for best backcountry lightweight hunting photo of the year.
I dont mean to sound insensitive but what are you paranoid about him? Paranoid he is poaching, in that case can you really do anything? Paranoid that he is in your spot? Paranoid that this could be on hunter 411?
All good. Paranoid hes in my honey hole poaching the big bucks. Ive passed on a lot of deer to let them grow up and my heart is set on a select few. CA hunting isnt easy…
In CA bear and deer open the same date in the units I am familiar with.
yes bear and deer open together.
What kind of camera and what batteries were you using?
Moultrie and 8 cheap amazon AA batteries with a 32gb card. Im beyond amazed. The pic i shared is a camera photo from my phone off of my tv, not the actual game cam pic. Cam is older and is 12mp set for every 3 secs.
I'd love to see a picture of that guy on opening day with a trophy buck in that exact gear packing 100lbs of meat and antlers strapped to that bag. If he's wearing a pair of crocs to top it off, then he gets my vote for best backcountry lightweight hunting photo of the year.
Hahaha Shit if I saw him in there like that Id agree offer him a hand!! Just not 2 weeks before archery opens lol.