I used to pack horses into the Ruby Mountains in NV. I didn’t have enough horses to ride and pack, so they carried camp and I walked with a light day pack and a rifle, leading the two horses. About 20 years ago I took my (now ex) girlfriend hunting with me. We had a great time until the walk out. It was snowing hard, the horses were acting up, and on top of that we’d got into a fight ( probably about where the relationship was going IIRC). So I was pretty distracted, and when I stopped to adjust the pack on one of the horses, i leaned my rifle against a tree off the trail a few feet.
45 minutes later, When we got back to the truck, I realized my mistake. I unloaded the packs, loaded the horses, and left her sitting in the truck while I literally almost ran back up the trail. There was about four inches of fresh snow by this time. Fortunately I have an almost photographic memory for topography and terrain and I walked right up to my now snow covered gun. Waiting in the truck for over an hour did not improve her mood, and covering the same piece of ground three times didn’t improve mine. The fight continued most of the way home until angry silence set in.
We broke up not long after. I still have that old rifle though, and have not left one in the woods since. To be fair to her she was a really good woman, and I had commitment issues at the time.