Plantar Fasciitis Steroid Injection

I am having severe plantar problems and would break down and try that Cbd,,, tried lots of things and they are not working,,, what do you buy, they have stores selling it all around here but don’t know anything about that kind of stuff ,, is it in a tube? Vial?

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You can get it anyway you want it. I’d suggest a Creek or salve for rubbing your feet. That may or may not help with the pain and inflammation, but ultimately, you’re going to have to strengthen up feet to move beyond pain management.
I highly recommend tread labs insoles they are bullet proof. Helped me get through my PF. The pair I’ve been running is going on 2 years old. The top portion is just now wearing out in the toe region. But this portion is replaceable and cheap. I wear the one pair daily and during all my hunts. I’m amazed they have lasted this long. The superfeet insoles just didn’t work for me. I bought some directly from the pediatrist but they had to be replaced every 6 months. I was able to purchase two different arch heights from tread labs and easily return the one that did not work out. They have great customer service.
I am having severe plantar problems and would break down and try that Cbd,,, tried lots of things and they are not working,,, what do you buy, they have stores selling it all around here but don’t know anything about that kind of stuff ,, is it in a tube? Vial?

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The stuff I use that seems to work best is called FLOW. Spendy but works for me.

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Had it bad 1.5 years ago. Tried a lot of stuff. What fixed it was sitting in a chair with a rolling pin from the kitchen. Placed pin on rug, put heel of my foot on the rolling pin. Grabbed my ankle with both hands and forcibly rolled my heel back and forth over the pin. Felt like there was gravel inside my foot from the PF. Hurts like heck, but after about 2 weeks of twice a day, I had it gone. When you feel the bumpy gravel spots, focus on them. It must get the blood flow going. Hurts but fixed it for me.
It's not an inflammatory issue, it's an overuse issue. The gravel is scar tissue formation usually in the short flexors of the toes.. they insert in the heel. Use a soft ball and roll it out daily. Move your toes from flexion into extensions when you do it. Stop toe gripping the ground when you walk. And stretch your calf.

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Sleep in the boot, wear the ortho boot all day, stretch calf, lax ball grind on the foot and then slowly transition to wearing heavy lug hunt boots daily. Gets me healthy slowly.
as a ~2000 mile/year guy I hang out with other long distance runners and have heard of others with PF issues fairly frequently, but was lucky not to experience it..... until now!

my right heel has been sore for about a month , thought it was bruised (blamed it on an adventure race that saw us putting on multiple 30+ mile days)- it would come and go, but never enough to bother me too bad and thought it would simply go away

last weekend 10 miles into a 12 mile run, the heel started to really hurt, eventually forcing me to walk and then limp- it hurt so bad I thought I had stress fracture in my foot

got home and it was even worse- WTF? finally enough internet searching lead me to believe it was PF, I've since been stretching my feet, rolling my calves, icing the area, using a tennis ball and foot roller (this not pleasurable!) and after 4 days am finally starting to see some improvement

had I known (and I will now!) that a month go when I thought my heel was bruised was actually PF raising it's ugly head, I could have (knowing what I know now) have probably nipped it right in the bud

anyways- great sympathy for anyone who is/has experienced this; knock on wood my issues are slowly, but surely improving
I got it just over a year ago in my left foot when I started doing sprint work on a 400m track. It still occasionally returns but I have since stopped running, started walking, and do a stationary bike 5-7x per week. Pretty sure it’s only my left foot because that was the inboard foot when running on the track. Til then I had been running regularly for 12 years, pain free.

Also got some orthotics which have helped.
You could look into PRP (platelet rich plasma) injection; the ortho surgeons I work with, have me draw the blood which is then separated in a centrifuge and is injected at end of case for rotator cuff/ labral repairs which they feel has significantly helped their patient population with postoperative pain relief.

From what literature I skimmed over they have also been doing this for PF the last 10 yrs; compared with steroid; it has less side effects, steroid shown to have relief within first 3 weeks but effects taper off; PRP had longer duration of symptom relief even at 3 and 6month intervals post injection.

All it really is using your own blood which is then put in a centrifuge; and the concentrated platelet rich plasma separates to the top; are drawn out and then injected into desired joint/tendon/ligament location.

I will say it will be more expensive (couple hundred bucks); but might be worth a try.
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Listen guys, buy one of these socks today and your PF will be cured in 1-3 weeks.

I was suffering with this for years! with minimal relief after buying all the foot balls and doing the stretching exercises. On the recommendation of physical therapist I bought one of these sock and I'm 100% cured!

Wear it at night while you sleep and when you first get up just lightly stretch out the bottom of the foot for about a minute before you take your first step. It simple keeps the tension on the bottom of your foot while you sleep and it cured me in about two weeks. I wore it for about a 4-6 weeks total and wore it for a week again later but have never had the pain come back.

Besides stress from work I think wearing the rubber hunting boots for days while hunting did my PF in.
Listen guys, buy one of these socks today and your PF will be cured in 1-3 weeks.

I was suffering with this for years! with minimal relief after buying all the foot balls and doing the stretching exercises. On the recommendation of physical therapist I bought one of these sock and I'm 100% cured!

Wear it at night while you sleep and when you first get up just lightly stretch out the bottom of the foot for about a minute before you take your first step. It simple keeps the tension on the bottom of your foot while you sleep and it cured me in about two weeks. I wore it for about a 4-6 weeks total and wore it for a week again later but have never had the pain come back.

Besides stress from work I think wearing the rubber hunting boots for days while hunting did my PF in.

tried this and most everything listed here. i stretch calves regularly, custom orthotics, sleep with boots, physical therapy, steroid shots... nothing has worked yet...
tried this and most everything listed here. i stretch calves regularly, custom orthotics, sleep with boots, physical therapy, steroid shots... nothing has worked yet...

Tried dry needling?
If you can find a doctor that will perform it, that will essentially re-injure the entire area causing the body to respond systemically to a localized problem. It’ll probably be painful, but I did a similar type of rehab for golfers elbow problems where I did chin-ups (which I had been avoiding due to the pain) to injure the entire elbow and cause the body to respond and repair the inner elbow while addressing the entire area. It was excruciating pain like my elbows were going to explode, but it worked. Dry needling has a similar effect. Traditionally, people would use bee stings to generate a similar response. Horse knee problems have been treated this way for a millennium by scorching them with flame.

I probably mentioned it earlier in this thread, but I dealt with PF for a few years before sucking it up and going barefoot a lot which had a similar effect -very painful at first, but started to heal rather quickly from there. Hasn’t bothered me since.
I bought the compression sleeve for my arches for like $15 on amazon and they worked for me. Wore them for like a month and haven’t had to put them on again for over a year.
Seriously, you wore this sock long enough and it didn’t work?

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yeah, unfortunately, been sleeping with them for some time. i think i'm an outlier with PF. with my work, i'm lucky in regards to having a variety of doctors/therapists so i have had a lot of people working on it for the last year and half. After the steroid shot not working, i think they have 2 options left. i go back Tuesday to discuss next steps. i believe one option we are going to discuss is "another shot" it wont be a steroid, but something different. Maybe t he dry needling mentioned above? Not sure. There is also discussion about surgery where they go in and cut it, but they say less than 1% actually need this. looking forward to Tuesday to see whats next...
Tried dry needling?
If you can find a doctor that will perform it, that will essentially re-injure the entire area causing the body to respond systemically to a localized problem. It’ll probably be painful, but I did a similar type of rehab for golfers elbow problems where I did chin-ups (which I had been avoiding due to the pain) to injure the entire elbow and cause the body to respond and repair the inner elbow while addressing the entire area. It was excruciating pain like my elbows were going to explode, but it worked. Dry needling has a similar effect. Traditionally, people would use bee stings to generate a similar response. Horse knee problems have been treated this way for a millennium by scorching them with flame.

I probably mentioned it earlier in this thread, but I dealt with PF for a few years before sucking it up and going barefoot a lot which had a similar effect -very painful at first, but started to heal rather quickly from there. Hasn’t bothered me since.

painful at first... how long are you talking about? this is the exact opposite of what i have been doing. i pretty much wear shoes all the time, with the exception of sleeping and showering. i may give this a shot, as i cant see it being worse
I tried everything. Injections, drugs, therapy, stretches, night splints. Had it bad for about 5 years.
I got back into mountain biking and guess what, if I bike 3-4 days a week, it is almost non-existant. It must stretch all the right muscles. If I quit biking for a week, it returns. After a couple years of biking the P.F is almost gone with occasional flare ups when I have to run for my fitness test for work, even if I slow way down on biking in the winter.
I too have had one. Absolutely no help whatsoever. When you figure out how to get rid of this mess, please let me know. I have had it all. 2 doctors, custom insoles, injections, stretching, sleeping sock, boot,

Nothing has worked and it is getting worse...

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lots of calf raises and stretching
I tried everything. Injections, drugs, therapy, stretches, night splints. Had it bad for about 5 years.
I got back into mountain biking and guess what, if I bike 3-4 days a week, it is almost non-existant. It must stretch all the right muscles. If I quit biking for a week, it returns. After a couple years of biking the P.F is almost gone with occasional flare ups when I have to run for my fitness test for work, even if I slow way down on biking in the winter.

biking is great for pf

weak calf muscles are a major contributor to pf
painful at first... how long are you talking about? this is the exact opposite of what i have been doing. i pretty much wear shoes all the time, with the exception of sleeping and showering. i may give this a shot, as i cant see it being worse

Most of the advice for PF is about pain management not actually healing.

The methodology is known as “pin firing” if you want to research further.

The elbow pain was excruciating during rehab for about 2 weeks. To be honest, I don’t recall how long the PF pain was as this was about 10 years ago, but I’d expect if it doesn’t start to improve at least slightly after 3 weeks, then it’s not going to work for you.

Dry needling: some doctors will do it for willing patients, others stay clear of it because it causes to much pain and people in general can’t handle it.
*Either of the two above methods will be painful therefore will feel wrong. You have to be willing to endure the pain. Like you said, nothing to lose at this point and it’s not 100%, but it’s worth a shot.