I struggled with it for a number of years, getting past it entirely about 10 years ago. If you’re the type of person who will take things head on, including pain and discomfort, you can strengthen your feet up to the level that you need to do what you wish to do without pain, however, you need to do the opposite of what everyone tells you and spend a lot of time barefooted and wearing shoes with minimal support. I haven’t even thought about PF in a good while, but I also started strength training again since I had it and there may also be something to your foot having to support the weight of heavy squats and deadlifts that would play into that.
I took a similar approach to golfers elbow a few years back and used the pin firing technique involving chin up rehab. It was quite painful but worked. You need your body to create a systematic response to a localized problem. Some doctors will help you with this by dry needling the target area, but those doctors are few and far between. The question is, do you want to 100% recover from the injury or just manage the pain? Orthopedics and what not are band aids. As a Backcountry hunter who puts miles on your feet with weight on your back, I’d expect that full recovery is the only viable option.