Pinched nerve in neck - cant lift arm

Always good to get a second opinion. Mayo Clinic has a great reputation . How old of a guy are you?
PT with a experienced therapist can sometimes really help. Dry needling can possibly help. Sure would explore all alternatives before surgery. Keep us informed after you get a second opinion from Mayo and what they suggest for treatments. The spine affects a lot of different parts of your body as you are finding out.
Anyone dealt with a pinched nerve in their neck? I woke up 3 weeks ago with my trap muscle tight and sore and unable to lift my left arm above waist level. Been doing chiro/PT since and its getting a little better but I still cant lift my bow and still having trap pain. I can now get my arm up without any weight but if I try with any weight at all my lat and trap contact and my arm falls. There isnt anything wrong with my shoulder structurally (muscles, tendons, ligaments etc.) its just the brachial nerve isnt controlling it right. Sucks since I have an OTC archery deer tag for both December and January but doesnt look like Ill be able to go out.
Yes, this is brutal and affects the whole body.

My solution has been a dual treatment of chiropractor and massage. Do research in your area for reputable providers. My chiropractor here in WA also has a massage clinic, so its super convenient.
Personally I’d avoid a chiropractor and get to a spine dr and MRI. I have stenosis from disc issues at C6/C7. Had pretty significant atrophy in left tricep, pec, deltoid, etc. Stenosis if untreated or not treated properly can lead to permanent damage and far worse symptoms.

Edit to OP: sorry, just read entire thread. Glad you are getting in front of the right kind of help and getting relief.