I just bought a Mathews Lift, last years model not the lift x, and when I lay it on its side on a flat surface like my kitchen counter it will rock back and forth like the limbs aren't parallel with each other. Is it engineered in such a way that there is supposed to be a bit of cant or are they both supposed to be in the same plane? Just never noticed that before with other bows.

Not my bow but in this pic only 3 of the 4 circled points would contact a surface. Seams like they should all contact at the same time? Paranoia?
Take your lift and set it on a table or counter. Does it sit there firmly or does it teeter back and forth?

Not my bow but in this pic only 3 of the 4 circled points would contact a surface. Seams like they should all contact at the same time? Paranoia?
Take your lift and set it on a table or counter. Does it sit there firmly or does it teeter back and forth?