Pin size: .019 or .010

Apr 4, 2019
Long story short im switching from the spot hogg dounbel Pin to the 5 pin. All thats left to decide is do you get .019 pins or .010?
Or get all .010 pins and make the 20 yard pin a .019
Or get all .019 pins but swap tge bottom (60yard and beyond pin) for a .010?

Curious what you guys think, i whitetail
Hunt in wosconsin but care more about mule deer amd elk of that sways your answers at all? Im leaning towards .010 pins and make the 20 yard pin a .019 for last light shots treestand hunting. Any one have some experience to sway my theory? Thanks!
My setup:

20 - .029 Green
30 - .019 Yellow
40 - .019 Green
50 - .010 Yellow
60 - .010 Green

The .029 pin is great for those close range shots in the timber at first and last light. 60 yard pin is my "Rover" for when I dial for longer shots, and I like the .010" for that.
Currently running a three-pin that I bought used, all .019".

If I were to order the same model custom, I would set it up similarly to Brendan, .029", .019", and lastly .010" for my "rover."

For a five-pin I would set it up just like he has it. That extra large pin at first and last light really helps gather light!
You can order it with pin size and color as you want. I use to like all .010 pins. As I have been shooting several different SH sights when I need to go back to the .010 I don't like it as much. I'd go .019 for all the pins for hunting. But that's just me. Can't detect a difference in accuracy. And I'm as likely to get a 50 yard shot in dim light as a 25. I don't want a pin on top that is brighter and distracting me.
Can you actually order them set up like that or os that where you have to buy the pins and do it your self?

Yep, can custom order from Spot Hogg, or someone like S&S

.19 all the way here. I use a green - red - green - red - green series.
I don't see the yellow pin that well in early, bright or fading light so that's why just those two colors
Easiest for me is GGYGG with 0.019 top 3 (20, 30, 40) and 0.010 bottom 2. With the middle pin being yellow at 40 it is a no brainer to figure out the yardage of the other pins. Plus you get the benefit of having green for almost all of your pins, including the 50 and 60 0.010 pins, which is the easiest and brightest color to see, especially at low light. I actually have a 6th pin for 70 yards which is 0.010 and red.
I have the Spothogg Fast Eddie XL in 2 pins scope. I run both in .10 green then red. For me the more precise i can be the better. Aim small miss small they say. I dont care for all the cluster of more pins in my housing. I shoot in a stand to Western elk and even 3D with the double pin slider. In the stand the 2 pins cover me out to 35 without having to adjust. For longer shots on elk i really enjoy that smaller pin. I purchased the sight in .19 and called spot hogg and bought .10 after a years use. As for brightness in the 2 i have not really noticed a difference, and i have shot in fading light quite a bit.
One bow has all green .010. My main bow has all .019 with both green and red. I see no difference shooting them accuracy or visibility wise.
I'm not a fan of the .010" pins. I thought I'd like a smaller pin for 3D so I could place it better but I didn't care for them. The best long range groups I've ever shot with all arrows touching was with .029".
I bought a BG slider with the bottom two pins 0.010" green. Couldn't see them clearly so replaced them with 0.019" pins like the other 3. If your older (ie, wear reading glasses) consider that aspect.